Paolo has written a nice little macro that basically examines the Type parameters of a wall and then draws a Detail Line at the centreline of the wall – the Line Style is driven by the Parameter. The obvious use is for Fire Rating – you make a couple of Line Styles for different ratings, set the Fire Rating parameters on the wall, run this macro and then you have an instant fire rating plan.

To update a view, it seems that if you run it with nothing selected, it will ‘clear’ the previously created Detail Lines. Then, select the walls and run the macro – the Detail Lines are recreated according to the current parameter value.

Download at:

Qui il codice e qui la famiglia di etichetta.

Watch the video:

Read the original post here, and donate to Paolo if you like it

IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 (v3.10):
IFC for Revit 2015 (v15.0.2):

direct for 2015

(note – the 15 part of the versioning now matches the Revit version ie. 2015)

via email

Here is an interesting idea from Daniel Monsén: in the video below, he describes using bimframe connect (which I previously posted about a couple of times, including here) to translate data for a Revit project.

In simple steps:

  1. Export a given schedule (such as rooms) using bimframe connect addin to Google Sheets
  2. Use the googletranslate formula to translate the data from the source to a given target language
  3. Copy the translated over the top of the original source data
  4. Import the translated data back into Revit using bimframe connect

The one comment I would make in addition to the video embedded below – if you want to quickly apply a formula to an entire column worth of data in Google Sheets, you should definitely use ARRAYFORMULA. If you put an array formula in the top row of a given column, it will apply itself to every cell in that column. For example:
=ArrayFormula( GoogleTranslate( B2:B ; “en” ; “nl” ) )


via email:

From: Daniel Monsén
Subject: Translate a Revit project into another language.

Hi Luke.

I hope everything i fine.
I just want to see if you seen our trick to translate a revit file to another language, using bimframe connect. 
Maybe something for your blog?
Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
Daniel Monsén
Sr BIM advisor

EDIT Harry said that the latest version is the one on Autodesk Exchange Apps

I previously posted about the ADN file upgrader here.  Since then Harry has created a more powerful upgrader for Revit 2014 available on Exchange, and he has also released a 2015 version which is not on Exchange yet – see his post with direct download link below.

 If you are ready to upgrade files to Revit 2015, here is a 2015 File Upgrader installer.


Free File Upgrader – now for 2015 | Boost Your BIM

To map fonts, edit shxfontmap.txt using a text editor. This file resides in the following location: %APPDATA%AutodeskRevit
For each TrueType font to map, add a line with the following format:
  • filename.shx is the name of the AutoCAD SHX font to map from
  • is the TAB key on the keyboard
  • Fontname is the font to be mapped to
Save and close the file.

You do not need to restart Revit for the font mapping to take effect.


Read more / copied from:

You will need to login to Subscription to download:

It is provided here as a stand-alone application for your

Content is currently available in English only.

Revit 2015 software is only available as part of the Autodesk® Building
Design Suite 2015 Premium and Ultimate Editions and Autodesk®
Infrastructure Design Suite 2015 Ultimate Edition.


Autodesk_Revit_Server_2015_English_Win_64bit_dlm.sfx.exe (exe – 245211Kb)

via Subscription page:
Autodesk Revit Server 2015

I have posted about RPC Creator many times before… but now, Archvision is offering a new feature based on Archvision Dashboard. It basically allows you to drag and drop an image to create RPC content for Revit.

Download the beta version at:

RPC Plugin downloads:
RPC Plug-in for Autodesk Revit 2015 64-bit (version
RPC Plug-in for Autodesk Revit 2014 32-bit (version
RPC Plug-in for Autodesk Revit 2014 64-bit (version
RPC Plug-in for Autodesk Revit 2013 32-bit (version
RPC Plug-in for Autodesk Revit 2013 64-bit (version

Steps on how to use it at:

Update, new download links (you will probably need to login or create a new free account):

Download Full Installer


Revit 2012/13/14/15/16
Use this file to install the Xrev Freebies Suite on both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) systems.

Download Full Installer


Revit 2012/13/14/15/16
This Windows Installer package can also be used to deploy to 64-bit (x64) systems

“Xrev UpRev enables you to quickly apply a revision to many sheets. Simply select the Revision you wish to apply, then select all the sheets you want to apply it to, click OK and its done …”

Functionally, I assume it goes through and ticks the “Revision on Sheet” box for you on multiple sheets.

For a non-addin method, you could use the Paste Aligned workflow described here.

Direct download links:

Register at:
Xrev Freebies � Products |