IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.13):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 (v1.13):
IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 (v3.5):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2014 (v2.5):
What’s new for IFC Exporter for Revit v2.13/v3.5:
– Initialize GUIDOptions so that GUIDUtil.CreateGUID(element) can be used outside of the exporter code.
– Remove filterView argument from many functions; used cached value instead.
– Various minor optimizations to slightly improve the time to export.
New Functionality
– (R2014 only) IFC4: Allow export of 0 thickness material layers.
– (R2014 only) IFC4: Export IfcFootingType (IFC2x3: use IfcTypeObject instead) for wall-based footings only.
– Allow export schedules as custom property sets.  The name of the schedule is the property set name; the column names are the IFC parameter names.
– Allow export of solid models, which allow for mixing Brep and extrusion geometries for an entity.  This can result in smaller IFC files.
– Export IfcCurtainWallType (IFC2x2: use IfcTypeObject instead).
– Export the currently selected non-primary design option when exporting in current view only mode.
– Use the base level parameter of an element to determine which level to associate the element to; use geometric containment only for cases where this is no base level.
Bug Fixes
– Don’t export some extraneous local placements.
– Don’t export type if instance isn’t exported for family.
– Fix Pset_CoveringCommon: Thickness -> TotalThickness
– Generic rework of how instance and type properties are assigned to IFC entities.  If an exported entity has a related type object, then the entity will have the instance properties assigned, and the type object the type properties.  If there is no type object, the exported entity will contain both instance and type properties.  This should also remove any repetition of exported property sets.
– Look at all “ZoneName X” shared parameters for a room even if some have no value.  This still assumes that they are sequential (i.e., if there is no “ZoneName 4” shared parameter at all, “ZoneName 5” will not be processed).
– Prevent export of IfcPolyLoops with less than 3 vertices.
– Properly scale all known Revit parameter types to the units specified for the IFC file.  Note that there are potentially many Revit parameter types that map to one unit type (e.g., PipeSize, WireSize, and Length are both length parameters); we do not create different units for each of these, but instead use the main unit type.
– Respect visibility options of curtain wall panels and mullions when exporting in current view only mode.
– Use category id as default for IfcCoverings for ceilings, floors, and roofs.
What’s new for IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit v1.13/v2.5:
New Functionality
– Add UI version number to title of the IFC Export dialog box.
– Add option to export schedules as custom property sets.  The name of the schedule is the property set name; the column names are the IFC parameter names.
– Add option to export solid models, which allow for mixing BRep and extrusion geometries for an entity.  This can result in smaller IFC files.
– Remove option to disable surface styles on export.
– Remove option to export advanced swept solids.

via email

You are getting this message because you downloaded a version of IFC Exporter for Revit or  IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit prior to June 14, 2013.  We have posted an update to both, which you can get to using the links below:
IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.11):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 (v1.11):
IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 (v3.3):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2014 (v2.3):
Updates from the previous versions are listed below.  Please upgrade to the newest version! 
If you do not wish to receive upgrade notices, please reply and I will make sure you don’t get these notices in the future.
Angel Velez
Senior Principal Engineer
Autodesk, Inc.
via email

via email (note that the Sourceforge link for the 2014 UI is recommended over the App Store version):

You are getting this message because you downloaded a version of IFC Exporter for Revit 2013/2014 or Revit IFC Export Alternate UI prior to May 7, 2013.  We have posted updates, which you can get to using the links below:
IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 (v3.2):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2014 (v2.2): (* See note 2 below)
IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.10):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 (v1.10):
Note 1: The 2014 versions will also work on Revit 2014 LT, which now supports IFC export.
Note 2: The 2014 UI version on the App Store currently has a problem with the “Assignments” button.  Please use the version from SourceForge instead and we will update the App Store version ASAP.
Updates from the previous versions are listed below.  Please upgrade to the newest version! 
If you do not wish to receive upgrade notices, please reply and I will make sure you don’t get these notices in the future.
Angel Velez
Senior Principal Engineer
Autodesk, Inc.

What’s new for IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 v3.2/ IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 v2.10:

New Functionality:
– Add property sets: Pset_ElectricalDeviceCommon, Pset_SwitchingDeviceTypeCommon, Pset_SwitchingDeviceTypeToggleSwitch
– Add support for electrical current, electrical voltage, frequency, and positive plane angle units.
– Allow Name/ObjectType/Description override for IfcSystem.
– Allow using “IfcExportAs” = “DontExport” to remove an individual element or type from the export.
– Export DuctLining.
– Export Groups, including nested groups, as IfcGroup.
– Export electrical systems and connectors.
– Export local coordinate system for IfcDistributionPorts.
– Export PipeInsulation.
Bug Fixes:
– Allow MEP zones to export Pset_ZoneCommon, fix 2 property names.
– Correct export of parts for Coordination View 2.0.
– Correct height of Revit Areas.
– Correct material assignment for generic MEP exporter.
– Correct units and unit scaling for volumetric flow rate.
– Fix export of multi-storey stairs.
– Get material for ducts and pipes from system.
– Properly associate internal ElementType Revit property sets with IfcElementType, instead of adding to instances.
– Properly scale door and window lining properties.
– Protect against trying to add a null property to an IfcPropertySet.
– Remove extraneous property sets when exporting Rebars.
– Remove stale IfcSurfaceStyle and IfcPresentationStyleAssignment handles from caches for some aborted attempts to export items as multiple IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.
– Return correct Boolean value for GetBooleanAtribute function.

What’s new for IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2014 v2.2/ IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 v1.10:

We did some work to try to make the UI a little more user-friendly.  This wasn’t intended as a complete overhaul, but instead an improvement within the current setup of the alternate UI.  This includes:
1st Page of Export:
– Change default to “IFC2x3 Coordination View 2.0” MVD from “Default 2×3”, which was the original IFC2x3 Coordination View MVD.
– Don’t create an “Update Setups” transaction unless “Modify Setup…” is chosen.
– Move the “Export…” button to the lower-right, next to the “Cancel” button.
– Remove the “Save setups and close” button; setups will be automatically saved when pressing “OK” button “Modify Setup” page.
– Re-order and rename the built-in configurations to match the real file versions and MVD names.
– Sort the table into “included” and “not included” for customizable options.
2nd Page of Export:
– OK button saves configuration changes; no need for “Save setups and close” button.

– Re-group the custom options into more logical groups.

via email
You are getting this message because you downloaded a version of IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 or Revit IFC Export Alternate UI prior to March 29, 2013.  We have posted an update to the IFC Exporter for Revit, which you can get to using the links below:

IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.9):

Updates from version 2.8.1 are listed below.  Please upgrade to the newest version!  Please note that there is no update to the corresponding Alternate UI in this update release.

If you do not wish to receive upgrade notices, please reply and I will make sure you don’t get these notices in the future.

Angel Velez
Senior Principal Engineer
Autodesk, Inc.

What’s new for IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 v2.9:

New Functionality:

– Add/fix property sets: Pset_SpaceThermalDesign, PsetSanitaryTerminalTypeToiletPan
– Add support for IfcBuilding Description and LongName.
– Add support for IfcBuildingStorey Name override, ObjectType, Description, and LongName.
– Allow exporting a Revit Assembly as an IfcSystem.
– Allow exporting a Revit Floor as an IfcFooting.
– Parameters in Revit no longer have to have the same base type as their corresponding IFC property. For example, an IFCTEXT property in IFC could now have a corresponding “Number” parameter in Revit.

Bug Fixes:
– Add material associations for FabricSheets.
– Change the precision given in IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT to VertexTolerance/10 (about 1/1600″).
– Create local placement closer to geometry for many Family-based instances.
– Don’t create orphaned IFCAXIS2PLACEMENTs with invalid IFCCARTESIANPOINT references.
– Ensure that the IFCFACEOUTERBOUND for an IFCFACE with more than one boundary corresponding to the boundary with the largest area.
– Export rooms, areas, and MEP spaces when exporting 2nd level space boundaries, even if they aren’t part of the energy analysis model (like gross design areas).
– Fix duplicate GUIDs for some columns split by level that had instance geometry.
– Fix issue where elements in assemblies would not be related to building storeys if the parent assembly were marked as not exported.
– For properties where they are defined with a different Revit parameter name and IFC property name, if the Revit parameter name is not found, look for the IFC property name.
– In the case where linear grid lines were grouped into 3 distinct direction sets, and 2 of the directions were orthogonal, the 3rd set of grid lines would not be exported. This has been fixed.
– Only export beam/column/member quantities if “QTO” export is chosen.

– Use IfcRelAssignsToGroup, not IfcRelAggregates, for IfcZones; stabilize IfcRelAssignsToGroup GUID.

Ok, this is a bit counter-intuitive but:
If you want to export parameters from Revit to an IFC file, note that the parameters should not be grouped under the category “IFC parameter”, but under a different (eg, .. ID data, text) category.

This is because the IFC parameter group is for inbuilt / standard IFC parameters.

Autodesk BIM Blog – Tipp f�r IFC-Parameter Export f�r Revit Produkte

via email:

You are getting this message because you downloaded a version of IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 or Revit IFC Export Alternate UI prior to January 23, 2013.  We have posted an update to both, which you can get to using the links below:
IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.8):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 (v1.8):
Updates from versions 2.7/1.7 are listed below.  Please upgrade to the newest version! 
If you do not wish to receive upgrade notices, please reply and I will make sure you don’t get these notices in the future.
Senior Principal Engineer
Autodesk, Inc.

What’s new for IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 v2.8:

– Clean up code dealing with door and window operation and construction type.
– Clean up code dealing with getting Solids from element geometry.
– Finalize support for FM Handover view.  The new functionality for this is included in the lists below.
– Replace native function call to create some columns as extrusions with .NET code.
– Renamed the shared parameters for many entity properties to have “Ifc” at the front.
– Sort parameter names on export to minimize changes in IFC file from subsequent exports of the same file.
New Functionality:
– Add 11 new IFC common parameter sets, including: Pset_AirTerminalTypeCommon, Pset_DistrubutionFlowElementCommon, Pset_FlowTerminalAirTerminal, Pset_SpaceOccupancyRequirements, Pset_PlateCommon, Pset_ReinforcingBar*Common
– Add support for IfcLengthMeaure parameter export.
– Add support IfcCircleHollowProfileDef; use for extrusions if appropriate.
– Add support for Provisions for Voids.
– Allow specification and export of a user-defined classification system, instead of just Uniformat.
– Allow exporting elements as IfcDiscreteAccessory/IfcDiscreteAccessoryType.
– Allow “IfcExportAs” to take both the entity name and the type name in the format “IfcEntityName.TypeName”.
– Export base quantities for 5 elements: IfcBuildingStorey, IfcCovering, IfcDoor, IfcSpace, IfcWindow.  Some of these were already supported and were just moved from native to .NET.
– Export FabricArea and FabricSheet as IfcReinforcingMesh and IfcGroup, respectively. 
                – Note: that the default export settings have these set as “Not Exported” – these have to be updated manually to “IfcReinforcingMesh” and “IfcGroup”.
– Export ceilings as extrusions or BReps if possible, instead of just surface models.
– Export surface styles by default for Coordination View 2.0.
– Include Ceiling as a room bounding element on export if it is part of only one room.
– Stabilise GUIDs for Pset_Building/BuildingStorey/SiteCommon, internal Revit property sets, and slabs in roof containers (only for  the case of an IfcRoof containing a single IfcSlab, however).
Bug Fixes:
– Changed incorrect “PSet” to correct “Pset” for various parameter set names.
– Don’t create openings for doors and windows when the host is exported as parts
– Don’t export RepresentationMap for IfcTypeProduct with 0 items.
– Don’t ignore an internal Revit parameter on export if it has the same name as a parameter in another group.
– Export materials for IfcReinforcementBar; make body representation “AdvancedSweptSolid”.
– Fix export of grids so that only one IfcShapeRepresentation is created.
– Fix export of some extruded columns that were split into separate components by other elements.
– Fix issue where classification reference was not exported in non-English versions of Revit.
– Make “NosingLength” parameter of PSet_StairFlightCommon IfcLengthMeasure.
– Make GetExportTypeFromClassName not reject some unrecognized IFC class names.
– Move the local placement of many entities with extrusions and mapped representations for geometry to be closer to the geometry.
– Properly export Pset_ZoneCommon for IfcZones.
– Properly label some mislabelled IfcOpeningElements as “Opening” or “Recess”.
– Properly scale door panel properties, window frame properties, and base quantities on export.
– Remove incorrect PsetLightFixtureCommon.ArticleNumber property.

What’s new for IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 v1.8:

New Functionality:
– Add a “Classification” tab to allow specification and export of a user-defined classification system, instead of just Uniformat.
– Allow choice of whether to include the elevation offset of IfcSite in the local placement of the IfcSite as a UI option.  By default, the elevation offset is NOT included in the local placement as of version 2.7/1.7 of the exporter.  Note that currently this override is disallowed for Coordination View 2.0 files; if there is a demand for this, we will consider allowing it with a comment in the IFC file itself.  Note that this UI change needs Exporter v2.8 to work properly.

– Export surface styles by default for Coordination View 2.0.

IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 | Autodesk Revit | Autodesk Exchange Apps

Apparently this is version 2.7.  I may be wrong, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to check the ‘version’ on Autodesk Exchange Apps.  If you download the MSI, you can check the properties of the file, where you will see that the digital signature is timestamped:
‎Wednesday, ‎23 ‎January ‎2013 10:39:38 AM

You could also check the IFC Exporter page on Sourceforge:

From the documentation:
The source code for this application is available on open source, at the SourceForge project : http://sourceforge.net/p/ifcexporter/home/Home/
This application is a good complement to the IFC Exporter UI client app, also available on the Exchange store. However, it is not required to get the latest version of that application when installing this application. Nor is it required to use this alternate UI when getting the latest IFC Exporter UI.

More info:
24th January 2013, version 2.7.  Read more at BIM Blog


To follow up the discussion of my quick and dirty Revit model OBJ exporter, I want to point out that Adam Nagy completed his series of posts on the AEC DevBlog on a Revit model exporter and viewer for iOS using an even more minimalistic custom data format for uploading to the cloud and viewing on an iOS mobile device:

  • Part 1: Revit add-in to upload geometry data to a storage service
  • Part 2: An iOS application to download and display the model using OpenGL
  • Part 3: Interactive view orientation and manipulation using gestures

While the OBJ format I looked at is more heavy-weight than Adam’s minimal custom format, my implementation includes some other enhancements which make it quite effective as well.
I have also heard of other home-grown viewer implementations with some support for switchback, individual element tagging and object identification based on VRML and on the Unity gaming engine.
If you are interested in a finely tuned exporter with more complete coverage and control over what gets exported, you might want to take a look at the open source STL exporter.
Finally, for high-end exporter requirements, the Revit IFC exporter is also open source.

The Building Coder: Running Language Code and More Exporters

IFC Exporter for Revit – at SourceForge.net

2013 UI – This contains the IFC alternate Exporter UI for Revit installer compatible with the Revit 2013 series of products. There is no Revit 2012 version of this UI. This replaces the default IFC Export UI in Revit, and adds new functionality such as saving export configurations, and new export options such as saving to ifcXML and ifcZIP file formats. 

2013 – This contains the IFC Exporter for Revit installer compatible with the Revit 2013 series of products. For more information on the difference between 2012 and 2013, check out the [What’s new in 2013] section of the Wiki accessible from this site.

Looking for the latest version? Download IFC Export UI for Autodesk Revit 2013 v1.1.0.msi (561.7 kB)

Revit Norge: Ny open source IFC-exporter til Revit 2013