dp Stuff have updated their very cool Revit addins to work with Revit 2015, and happily I have three prizes to giveaway:

  1. Free Revit Utils 2015 and Randomizer 2015 pack
  2. Half-price Revit Utils 2015 and Randomizer 2015 pack
  3. 25% off Revit Utils 2015 and Randomizer 2015 pack

To enter the competition, scroll down to the Comments on this post and write your response to this question (don’t worry if your entry doesn’t appear straight away, it will 🙂 …

Name one challenge you have faced while using Revit.
How did you overcome it?

The deadline for this competition is Tuesday 10 March 2015. After this date, I will review the comments and then give the prizes to the entries that I think are the most original, thought-provoking, outside-of-the-box and interesting 🙂 Results will be announced in a comment on 11 March, and I will reply to the winners individually.

I have posted about Dima Chiriacov’s dp Stuff addins several times over the years, including this random tree generator post and this one about his Workset Explorer (which is now included in the “Revit Utils” pack).

Here are the links to the updated 2015 dp Stuff addins:
Revit Utils 2015
Randomizer 2015

Dima’s post:
Revit 2015 Addins Update – Revit Utils 2015 – dp Stuff

It is very easy to buy from the site, just

  • Add to Cart, 
  • Checkout,
  • Apply any discount codes
  • Fill out your details
  • Accept the terms
  • Proceed to download

After spending some time trying to make a workable, geometrically driven random reactor, I decided that it was far easier to use dp Stuff Randomizer (get 2014 version for free from here or older 2013 one on Exchange here).  This is a great little addin that just drives random instance number parameters into family instances.  You pick the parameter to drive, give it a max and min “bracket”, click Add and then Randomize.

I set up an Adaptive tree family that used the scaling method, linked through some parameters, Repeated it on a Divided Surface, and then used Randomizer – this random forest is so easy 🙂  With the scaling method working, we can even just drop some imported Sketchup trees into the most deeply nested family (the one that gets scaled), reload it through the hosts back to the project, and even these imported CAD files will scale correctly.

This is the simple tree randomizer (height only):

Next, I added an X and Y offset so I could randomize the position from the grid slightly, resulting in this…

Tree randomizer with move parameter:

Here are the sample files for download.  Enjoy!

(this is the Sketchup tree that I used for the example above)

Dima has moved his blog to http://dp-stuff.org/

Here are the most recent two addins:

PermRemovAreasRooms Revit Addin

PermRemoveAreasViews Revit Addin API from dp Stuff

PermRemoveAreasRooms Revit API addin allows you to delete rooms or areas permanently on the fly directly from any of your Revit views without having to do it from the Revit schedule. You have two options: either pre-select the elements and run the tool to delete just the rooms/areas in your selection, or you can collect ids of rooms/areas that you want to get rid of and copy/paste them via “Type In Element Ids” method.
04-02-2013 PermRemoveAreasRooms2013 (DOWNLOAD for Revit 2013)

RemoveEmptyTags Revit Addin

RemoveEmptyTags Revit Addin API from dp StuffJust as the name suggests this Revit addin allows you to find and remove empty tags from your Revit 2013 document. You will have two options whether you want to remove empty tags in the active view or in the whole document. You can use it in conjunction with out-of-the-box Revit Tag All tool.

via LinkedIn:
Hi Luke,
Just posted a PermRemoveAreasRooms tool on my blog as a part of my revit Utils. Little tool that I use a lot when having to delete Rooms / Areas permanently from my revit doc.
Also here’s another one(RemoveEmptyTags) that I posted last week:
Incase you find it useful please don’t hesitate to share the link with your readers.

… by using a very wild script from dp Stuff!

Comes with a disclaimer:
Warning! Make sure you don’t run this script on your central model – detach it from central first. Because once the views are gone – they are GONE! Don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you – use it at your own risk.
Download Revit IronPython Shell script
dp Stuff: Remove Working Views With Python Shell and Revit API

A new Revit addin from Dima over at dp stuff can do that – it looks like this:

The tool is pretty straightforward, so I will try to describe just in a few words how it works (the demo video in the beginning of the post shows it as well).
– assuming you already installed the WorksetExplorer, run the tool from dpStuff Utils in Add-on tab.
– the dialog box will open and in the “tree” your elements will be sorted by workset, then by category, then by family, then by type.
– every “branch” will have a name and the amount of elements on it in parentheses.
– once you see something that shouldn’t be on a particular workset then you can select the branch and click “Select Elements” button – that will add elements that belong to this branch to selection.
– now you can send them to the workset they are supposed to be on.
– repeat until all worksets are in good shape.
You can download the WorksetExplorer add-on from our download page or directly from this link.

dp Stuff: WorksetExplorer Revit Add In – What’s On Your Worksets?

This one is by Dima Chiriacov, and you can download it at:
02-28-2013 CropViewToSelection2013 (for Revit 2013) 

The key difference is that this add-in allows you to physically type in Element IDs before the tool runs – I think that this could be very useful for tracking down your Revit Errors / Warnings.

Read more at:
dp Stuff: CropViewToSelection Add In for Revit 2013

This would be the fourth way to create a Section Box automatically that I have posted.  For the other three, check out this link.

a Revit plug-in that you can assign 5 of your most often used views.
It is super simple in operation. When you run it for a very first time none of the views are set and you have to set those that you want to be able to access by clicking on the “Set/Reset” button

 download page to get the installation files or download them directly from here.

DP stuff: QuickViewAccess for Revit 2012, Access Your Most Often Used Views

I requested a 2013 version from Dima Chiriacov in the comments – he replied that one will be available ‘very soon’…

QuickViewAcces 2013 Revit Addin – dp Stuff

QuickViewAccess 2014 Revit Addin – dp Stuff