Back in 2016 I put this simple, messy sketch together to describe some basic terminology around Revit models and how they are structured:



Revit Model:

  • Category
  • Family
  • Type
  • Instance (also known as “Element”)


May be hosted by:

  • Levels
  • Grids
  • Reference Planes
  • Faces
  • Special Categories (Floor, Ceiling etc)
  • Nothing


May belong to:

  • Phases
  • Worksets
  • Design Options
  • Groups
  • Other Families (nested)


I was recently trying to link Revit models to a federated file on Revit 2021. The models were failing to link, but no error message or warning was provided. The federated host model and the links were all initiated and ‘live’ collaborated models on the Autodesk Construction Cloud.



I had previously used this method ( Moving the Revit BIM360 CollaborationCache Folder to a Secondary Hard Drive ) to move the cache for BIM 360 / ACC Docs to a secondary hard drive. Windows Explorer showed this hard drive was essentially running out of space. So Revit was failing to link the model, but wasn’t providing a ‘insufficient hard drive space’ warning.

But why was the hard drive filling up?

I reviewed the files and folders and discovered that one particular program was generating massive log files:

The final resolution was quite simple – delete the massive log files, and then the files linked to Revit fine. I used 7-zip with the “Fastest” and “Delete files after compression” option to archive and delete those logs.

To future-proof this scenario, I’m considering writing a Powershell script to detect and possibly archive and delete the existence of massive log files.

I have been receiving a few requests for access to files that were previously linked to What Revit Wants via Google Drive. Somewhere along the line, Google (in its wisdom) decided to change security requirements and now my inbox has been filling up with ‘Share requests’. My opinion on Google business practices in general is pretty well known after this saga.

Some of the more popular files requested in recent times have been:

  • – from post here about Curved Mullions
  • – from post here
  • – from post here
  • Generic Label.rfa – from post here
  • URL Text Symbol Annotation D download.rfa – from post here

In any case, I have now decided to move the hosting of What Revit Wants files and resources to and you can view and download them all below.

Note: you will need to login to this site FIRST to see and download the files.


If we head over to IFC 2020 | Revit | Autodesk App Store we can see the latest listed version of the IFC Addin for Revit 2020, which is 20.3.2.


However, if we head over to revit-ifc Releases page on Github – Releases · Autodesk/revit-ifc · GitHub – then we see that there is a prerelease build for Revit 2020 that is version


So this post is just a little reminder to check the releases on Github if you want the very latest IFC addins provided from Autodesk.


First, let’s manage some expectations – Aconex is generally viewed as a closed platform. They seem to deliberately resist platform-level integration with other tools like BIM 360 and Revizto. However, you can achieve the promise in the title of this post – with a bit of work!

The basic steps are:

  1. Setup a sync between the Aconex Doc Register and Autodesk Docs (BIM 360 Document Management), using the Aconex PIF and Autodesk APIs
  2. Connect the BIM 360 project to the Revizto project and connect your BIM 360 ‘official Aconex’ PDFs to Revizto 2D Sheets.

Step 1 – Aconex Document Register sync with BIM 360 Document Management

Aconex provides a PIF (Project Integration Framework). This essentially acts as an API, and clients are able to build integrations between Aconex and other tools using their own budget.

The Aconex PIF is hard to find on the inter-webs…

As part of my strategic consultancy work as a Director at Virtual Built Technology, I have assisted clients in setting up the Aconex to BIM 360 sync. This will require considerable time, effort, $$ and planning. Although the scope is basically the same for every Aconex client that wants this, it seems individual Aconex clients will be charged significantly for this development to occur and operate on their ‘own’ PIF.

Once complete, you will begin to see PDFs arriving in Autodesk Docs from Aconex on a daily / nightly basis. Depending on how you have briefed the Aconex development consultants, you may end up with some interesting PDF file naming in the BIM 360 environment – so how can we deal with that?

Step 2a – BIM 360 Preparation Script for Merging Filenames to a single Folder

Let’s say you have your Aconex-to-BIM360 sync running, and you have PDFs arriving in 360 into “Discipline” folders like Architectural, Structural and so on. Not bad! But what if your PDFs are named like this:

  • SheetNumberX_Rev_1.pdf
  • SheetNumberX_Rev_2.pdf
  • SheetNumberY_Rev_1.pdf
  • etc

When thinking about downstream applications like Revizto, this is really sub-optimal. Why? Because a Revizto 2D sheet will want to connect directly to a SINGLE BIM 360 PDF document with Versions – not to a mangled set of ‘revision suffixed’ pdfs like the above. So we need to clean this up! And it needs to be repeatable and automated

For this, I have created a PowerShell script. Here is a description of the logic in the script:

  • it takes a list of BIM 360 Docs folder paths (the local folder path from Windows Explorer address bar), these are ‘monitored folders’
  • those folders need to be ‘synced’ prior to the script running (I’m still looking for a way to call the Autodesk Desktop Connector sync from a Powershell script, for now you have to right-click in Windows Explorer first)
  • it will process the folder list and:
  • create a subdirectory called “Current”
  • create a logfile in that subdirectory called deepSpaceSync.log
  • split the filenames at the _REV_ part
  • process each available Revision number individually in a loop (to ensure Aconex revisions are stored sequentially into BIM 360 versions)
  • check if the file was already copied – and skip it (using existence of that filename in the log folder)
  • or, copy the file to the “Current” subfolder
  • Sleep 5 minutes between each loop to allow Autodesk Desktop Connector sync to catch up.

So this script essentially merges the messy “REV” filenames into a nice clean SheetNumber.pdf filename structure AND actually creates BIM 360 file versions in the cloud (due to the sleep functionality).

We have released this script as a publicly available Deep Space Automation at this link.

example output from the PowerShell script

Step 2b – Revizto 2D Sheet to BIM 360 PDF Connection

Now that we have a nicely named, version-rich PDF on BIM 360 Docs, its time to connect that up to Revizto.

Firstly – you should always publish 2D sheets from Revit BEFORE setting up the Docs connection if possible, as this is the only way to get the automated viewport overlays (Note – you can export with “Sheet coordinates only” option in Revizto Sheet Exporter from Revit).

Secondly – you then

  • open Revizto
  • ensure you have connected Docs to the right BIM 360 hub in Revizto
  • browse to the “Current” folder for a specific disciplines PDFs
  • click “Send to 2D”
  • select all and Done

    Connecting Docs to Revizto 2D Sheets
  • then review that the correct sheets are going to be replaced and connected to the BIM360 PDF
Confirm that sheets are correctly connected using the Sheet Number


Final steps

Once your PDFs are flowing well between platforms, you may want to automate further. For example, the PowerShell script provided above could be set to run as a Windows Task. You would want it to run as soon as possible after the Aconex scheduled sync to BIM 360. As always, you should monitor your inputs and outputs for any problems or gremlins.

Done! You now have official documents from Aconex flowing regularly into Revizto via BIM 360. This means your site teams using Revizto on the iPad can now be accessing the official For Construction PDF Drawings (synced from Aconex Doc Register) while in the Field!

Following on closely from the release of Revit 2022, you may have seen updates to the previous 3 releases of Revit have been recently released.

Here are some links to get you started:

Revit 2021

Software embedded in the update executable:
Revit 2021 – version
Revit Unit Schemas 2021 – version
Steel Connections Content for Dynamo 2021 – version 2.6
Cloud Models for Revit 2021 – version
Generative Design for Revit 2021 – version
Personal Accelerator for Revit – version
OpenStudio – version 0.1.17

Issues Resolved

DirectShape Elements
Fixed an issue that could produce very large journal files during upgrade of models with many DirectShapes.
Improved upgrade of some families created in Revit 2018 or earlier to preserve some geometry created via import operations or API.
Duct/Pipe Display
Fixed an issue that incorrectly filtered out detail lines and masking regions when they conflicted with model lines at a specific detail level.
Electrical Circuits
Fixed an issue that the load can’t be propagated properly through a single phase transformer.
Electrical Panel Schedule
Fixed an issue where the Phase doesn’t display correctly when assigning a spare in single phase panel.
Energy Model
Fixed an issue that caused interior spaces to be excluded from an energy analysis.
Export DWG/DXF
Fixed an issue where small objects would not export correctly to DWG at large drawing scales.
Fixed an issue where user license expired unexpectedly causing Revit to fall into a 10 minute grace period, after which Revit is automatically terminated.
Fixed an issue where the Material browser would load thumbnails unnecessarily.
Fixed an issue that material texture not found after moving textures to a new assigned render path folder.
MEP Fabrication
Fixed an issue that caused costing data to be lost after exporting parts to a .maj file.
Fixed an issue with kerf values resetting to 0 after importing a job file.
Fixed data corruption message displayed in error when opening a model.
Properties Dialog
Improved performance when using the type selector.
Fixed an issue where the concrete cover of a model in place element cut by another element is reset after finish editing without any changes.
Revit Cloud Model (workshared)
Fixed issue that mirroring fails if a new workset has been added to the model but has not been saved to the cloud.
Fixed an issue where the Activity Indicator would show that the model is not being actively synchronized if the synchronize time is longer than 5 minutes.
Steel Connections
Fixed an issue that caused steel connections to become invalid after performing a Roombook addin calculation.
Improved performance for worksharing synchronization actions when the central model has link models attached that contain or have contained steel fabrication elements such as steel connections.
Corrected symbols for Russian translated units.

Important Notes

Updated Content for Revit 2021.1 is not included in the patch deliverable and is provided on the Autodesk Knowledge Network, link.
Update installation may fail if the original Content path location is not accessible.
After applying the hotfix, Generative Design command may cause a “RestDynamoCore.exe – This application could not be started” errors. A reboot of the system should resolve the errors.
In some scenarios the original RVT.msi may be required to install the hotfix. If you are prompted for to specify the RVT.msi version and do not have access to the original installation files you may download the RVT.msi as follows. There are several unique Revit 2021 full product installers which have been released and each includes a unique version of the RVT.msi file. The following is the simplest way to identify which full product installer was used to install Revit 2021 on a workstation:
1. Open the Windows Registry Editor.
2. Browse to and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskUPI2{7346B4A0-2100-0510-0000-705C0D862004} registry key in the left column.
3. In the right column, make note of the BuildNumber value.

If the BuildNumber is, then the installation used the initial Revit 2021 full product installer and the required RVT.msi is available here: link

If the BuildNumber is, then the installation used the Revit 2021.1 full product installer and the required RVT.msi is available here: link

If the BuildNumber is, then the installation used the Revit 2021.1.1 full product installer and the required RVT.msi is available here: link

Revit 2021 updates can be uninstalled to revert Autodesk Revit 2021 to its pre-update state.
Uninstalling this update after being applied to a Revit 2021.1 installation may require the original installation media to complete without error.
Uninstalling this update after being applied to a Revit 2021.1 installation may cause the Revit version displayed in Windows>Add/Remove Programs to be blank.

Revit 2020.2.4

Software embedded in the update executable:

  • Revit 2020 – version
  • Autodesk Cloud Models for Revit 2020 – version
  • Personal Accelerator for Revit – version
  • OpenStudio – version 0.1.9

Issues Resolved

DirectShape Elements

  • Fixed an issue that could produce very large journal files during upgrade of models with many DirectShapes.
  • Improved upgrade of some families created in Revit 2018 or earlier to preserve some geometry created via import operations or API.

Duct/Pipe Display

  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly filtered out detail lines and masking regions when they conflicted with model lines at a specific detail level.

Electrical Cable Tray and Conduit

  • Fixed an issue that caused cable tray fittings to not display in a plan view with annotation scale turned on.

Export DWG/DXF

  • Fixed an issue where small objects would not export correctly to DWG at large drawing scales.


  • Fixed the issue that F1 keys do not display the correct help page in browser.


  • Fixed an issue that caused steel elements with fabrication to change GUID on IFC export.


  • Fixed an issue that material texture not found after moving textures to a new assigned render path folder.

MEP Fabrication

  • Fixed an issue that caused costing data to be lost after exporting parts to a .maj file.

Properties Dialog

  • Improved performance when using the type selector.

Revit Cloud Model (workshared)

  • Fixed an issue which could cause BIM 360 links to fail to load when the user had their permissions on the linked model forcibly relinquished.
  • Fixed an issue where the Activity Indicator would show that the model is not being actively synchronized if the synchronize time is longer than 5 minutes.

Steel Connections

  • Fixed an issue that caused steel connections to become invalid after performing a Roombook addin calculation.
  • Improved time performance for worksharing synchronization actions when the central model has link models attached that contain or have contained steel fabrication elements such as steel connections.


  • Improved the stability when selecting material tags in 3D, section, or elevation views when there is a linked topographic file.

Important Notes
Dynamo for Revit

  • In some cases Dynamo will not be visible within the Manage tab after 2020.2.4 Hotfix is applied. To restore Dynamo, replace DynamoRevitDS.sig and DynamoRevitVersionSelector.sig in the following location: C:Program FilesAutodeskRevit 2020AddinsDynamoForRevitRevit .


  • Updated Content for Revit 2020.2 is not included in the patch deliverable and is provided on the Autodesk Knowledge Network, use this link.


  • For Vault 2020 users, after the 2020.2.1 Hotfix is applied replace AdskLicensingSK_2.dll in Revit 2020 install location: C:Program FilesAutodeskRevit 2020 .


  • Revit updates cannot be uninstalled to revert Autodesk Revit 2020 to its pre-update state. If you need to remove the update, please uninstall Autodesk Revit 2020 and then reinstall it.

Revit 2019

Resolved Issues

    • Improved upgrade of some families created in Revit 2018 or earlier to preserve some geometry created via import operations or API.
    • Fixed the issue that F1 keys do not display the correct help page in browser.
    • Fixed an issue where a Revit Cloud Worksharing link path could incorrectly resolve to the Collaboration Cache directory.
    • Fixed an issue that caused steel elements with fabrication to change GUID on IFC export.
    • Improved stability for Revit Server models and Revit cloud models with new extensible storage schemas.
    • Fixed an issue which could cause BIM 360 links to fail to load when the user had their permissions on the linked model forcibly relinquished.
    • Improved performance when using the type selector.
    • Fixed an issue where small objects would not export correctly to DWG at large drawing scales.

When a recent update to Autodesk Desktop Connector forced a migration to Autodesk Docs, file paths were generally change like this:




If you were doing some interesting tricks with BIM 360 Docs, and sharing and federating Revit models as non-initiated files on BIM 360, you may find that links were broken and “Not Found” in Manage Links after that latest Desktop Connector installation.


But don’t worry! You can just set a symbolic link to point from the old BIM 360 Docs location, to the new location. The Command Prompt script looks like this:

if exist "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\BIM 360" rename "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\BIM 360" BIM360.old
mklink /d "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\BIM 360" C:\Users\%USERNAME%\ACCDocs
Run these commands to fix links Not Found

The moment after this script was run, I was able to hit Reload from Manage Links in Revit and the new location was detected and links were loaded successfully. Note that they still appear in Revit as if they are in the old location, but really it is reading the latest data from Autodesk Docs, and that new location is being updated by Autodesk Desktop Connector.

Related Note:

I had already setup a symbolic link to move my BIM 360 Revit Cache folder to a secondary hard drive.

At this stage it appears those links are still working, as the Revit CollaborationCache is a different technology to the simple file sharing mechanism of Autodesk Docs.

The IFC for Revit addins that improve IFC import and export functionality are maintained at this GitHub site for versions newer than Revit 2018. In the past 2 weeks, updates have been release for all current Revit versions, and I have collected the direct links for you below. Note that the GitHub versions can be more up-to-date and current than the ones listed on the App Store.

If you want to check which version you currently have, you could use Start – Add or Remove Programs to do that without opening Revit:

checking Revit version in Add or Remove Programs
checking Revit version in Add or Remove Programs

If you are inside a Revit model, you can use File – Export – IFC and check the version in the dialog box header:

If you are looking for Revit 2018 and older versions of the IFC for Revit addins, check out the SourceForge site instead.

The update for Revit 2019 was particularly significant. Release notes copied below:


  • This version marks a significant milestone for IFC Exporter as it is now IFC4 Reference View certified (for Architectural Export and Structural Export Exchange Requirements)

New Features/Improvements:

  • Export of Area can now be assigned to IfcSpatialZone in addition to the default IfcSpace using IfcExportAs
  • Support exporting IfcGroup using ZoneGroupName parameter
  • Improved heuristic for assigning color to polygonal face sets
  • Improved handling to support for direct export of polygonal face geometry in IFC4
  • Support for IfcShapeAspect in other objects that have part geometries
  • Improved handling of Complex Property in the PropertySet definition
  • General improvements to support IFC4 based geo-referencing information with addition UI in export, and integration to the information found inside Revit file (usually comes from AutoCAD or Civil3D)
  • Reorganize the location for Exchange Requirement setting in the header of IFC File to be less hidden (now located right after the IFC version in export option UI)
  • Updates shared parameter definitions and Property set definitions based on the latest IFC4 ( specifications
  • Support allowing a predefined type for standard walls on export
  • General improvements dealing with objects with many holes
  • Added basic support to export Area as IfcSpatialZone entity

Bug Fixes:

Export bug fixes:

  • Fixed error during export for a specific object that became invalid in the export process with “Store the IFC GUID in an element after export” option
  • User defined property set can now be exported for IfcGeographiElement
  • Fixed export failure when ZoneClassificationName is set to Room for exporting IfcZone
  • Corrected GrossVolume quantity information with the correct unit
  • Fixed exporting issue for a Ceiling containing Arc geometry
  • Fixed issue with duplicate steel connection geometries or missing connection
  • Fixed issue with IFC export – steel connection steel connection elements missing or wrongly exported
  • Fixed issue on missing ceiling geometries in IFC4 RV export mode
  • Fixed issue on objects with Parts that is below the first (lowest) level
  • Fixed issue with export Roof in some cases
  • Fixed crash issue if the “Rasters” are set to be exported to “IFCGrid”
  • Fixed issue with IFC option “export links as separate models” causes wrong object placement
  • Improved export Parts functionality
  • Fixed issue that IFC Version doesn’t update when changing the “In-Session setup”
  • Fixed IsExternal calculation on element types to correctly determine value
  • New shared parameter assigned to Curtain walls is now exported when exporting from Revit to Navisworks
  • Update category mapping to deal with IfcSpaceTypes and IfcOpeningTypes
  • Fixed issue with incorrect slab thickness when Opening IFC in Revit
  • Fixed some issues on export with different coordinate base
  • Fixed some issues on exporting Wall elements
  • Improved handling reserved Windows name
  • Export HVAC_HEAT_GAIN with current units (Watts)
  • Removed duplicate base quantity NetSideArea exported for walls
  • Improved export with the Property Set option “Export schedules as property sets”
  • Fixed issue with IFC4 Reference view, which fails for some models from Factory Live
  • Update the CSIORG link in the IFC exporter
  • Changed IfcGeometricRepresentationContext from “Annotation” to “Plan”
  • ClassificationCode(2) is now processed during export even if ClassificationCode is missing
  • Corrected Area quantity property of doors
  • Improved Materials export, that works for some floors but not others of the same type
  • Fixed issue with wrong Base Quantity information in some scenarios in IFC export 2×3 Coordination View
  • Fixed issues with warnings are shown when exporting to IFC4RV in some models
  • Improved Railings import to Revit via IFC
  • Properly convert this Flow_Rate parameter on Export
  • Corrected 2D CurtainWall door swing on IFC Export
  • Nested curtain wall element now will get proper parameters while export to IFC
  • IFC-Export configuration will now remember the previous settings including: “Project Origin/Coordinate Base”
  • Improved exporting of Material parameter
  • Improved IFC4 RV Exchange Requirement, which may be missing when File Header is not initialized
  • Support allowing a predefined type for standard railings on export
  • Fixed IFC4 “opening as recess” code for ReinforcingMesh case
  • Fixed issue with IFC export where some geometries are exported slightly longer extrusion
  • Fixed issue with IfcGeographicElement not exporting user-defined PropertySets

Import bug fixes:

  • Improved Rebar import
  • Improved import of Windows that are not cutting a wall in a linked or opened IFC
  • Recognize the angle between Project North and Survey Point properly in Revit IFC import/link
  • Improved import of Columns that may be placed in the wrong location on IFC Link in some cases
  • Improved import of beam cover
  • Fixed issue with Certain Tekla IFC geometry not visible when using Link IFC
  • Improved link IFC that may have incorrect geometry imported for some cases
  • Improved Link IFC file in Revit that in some cases failed with the model empty and an error appears in log file
  • Fixed issue with translation IFC having mm units using Revit IFC loader makes default model view small unexpectedly on LMV
  • Fixed issue related to invalid/corrupt IFC files that “load” without any errors
  • Improved link IFC file properly inside Revit 2020
  • Grids placed by IFCOFFSETCURVE2D will be placed at open IFC in the correct unit
  • Fixed issue with multiple versions of the same IFC file get loaded into Revit Cloud Worksharing Host resulting in duplicate geometry
  • Improve the structure in Link IFC that may end up upside down
  • Fixed missing material information upon import IFC
  • Recreate IFC/Import_Quantities/Import_Quantities.txt
  • Support IfcGridPlacement for Link IFC
  • Avoid duplicate instance and type names when linking in an IFC file
  • Improved creation of Geometry which may be missing for some IFC models
  • Fixed issue for some IFC files that failed to show in BIM 360 viewer
  • IFC link – model is now correctly positioned when there is rotation component in IFCSite local placement
  • Improved issue due to “bad” data involving Wall with zero thickness inside the IFC file that caused differences between IFC from Allplan opened/imported vs linked in Revit
  • Improved handling of detailed geometry containing IfcAdvancedBrep in REVIT 2020 and 2021
  • Improved slab elements import which may be missing in some IFC file
  • Corrected IfcPort ConnectedTo IfcGUID information that contained its own GUID instead of the GUID of its connected Port

Known Issues/additional notes:

  • This release still contains issue that Steel Connections may not be exported correctly
  • Export configuration “IFC2x2 ePlan Check” has been removed as it is already obsolete. If there is any saved configuration, the option will be automatically assign to IFC2x3 as default

Revit lets you model things that you can’t necessarily build, which shouldn’t surprise us given that “Revit was intended to allow architects and other building professionals to design and document a building” 🙂 wiki

However, in recent times Revit is getting used more and more for fabrication workflows, with core Revit features, addins, and Dynamo scripts developing to make that happen.

With that in mind, I was shared something recently and simply had to share it… check out the video below:

Basically it shows how we can quickly cut up impossibly long modelled Revit elements (like Pipes) into more ‘buildable’ fabrication lengths. Cool! The video also discusses how appropriate generic fabrication content could really begin to bridge the gaps between Revit models and actual things you can buy off the shelf.

Thanks to Nathan Moore for sharing this! And credit also to Jeremy Tammik and Pablo Derendinger.


I think we will inevitably see more and more automations like this that connect Revit to real fabrication and procurement workflows. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!


From the video comments:

Are you paying for a Revit M/P Fabrication add in or using ITMs to route and coordinate to LOD400? I think there is an opportunity to use native Revit to accomplish this. A properly “parameterized” fitting family combined with the correct pipe types and routing preferences would allow native Revit to produce what you need.

Dynamo Script here:

Credit to Jeremy Tammik and Pablo Derendinger:

Some related thoughts and ideas from Nate here, pointing out a common problem with modelling generally (that in order to model accurately, you often have to select some kind of proprietary brand / make / model first):

I am in a situation (and I think most other companies are in similar situations) where I am not necessarily the final decision maker on the “BRAND” of pipe/fittings that we end up buying. There is a fundamental disconnect I think in the industry that fabrication software providers want to provide MANUFACTURER SPECIFIC items to help streamline the downstream purchasing/install/warehousing operations… My solution is to create a “SPEC DRIVEN” family library (similar to how duct works) so I can simply have an “ASTM SCH40 Welded” system or a similar Grooved system etc. That way the families placed will adhere to the spec and allow more flexibility downstream for the buyers/warehouse.