To simulate a temporary search set in Glue, select an object and view its properties. Then, right-click on the desired “search” property and click Select Similar:

To merge Clash Groups in Navisworks:

  1. Select the Groups you want to Merge with Ctrl key
  2. Right-click, Explode (the child clashes will remain selected)
  3. Right-click, Group

Screencast of above:

  1. Go to
  2. Fill out the form and submit
  3. Download Google Earth Pro and start install
  4. Check your email for username and the free key
  5. When installation prompts you, enter username and serial number, and tick ‘Automatic Login’

As you probably know, Google Earth Pro adds some useful extra features for AEC and BIM… enjoy.


More on the free release:

EDIT Thanks to Cornel for this great link, it shows a page with various flavours of the updates for Revit 2015:

Here is the link for Revit 2015 R2:



Autodesk® Revit® Architecture 2015 Updates
 – Corrects the behavior that caused view templates to apply incorrectly for some views, if a temporary view
template was also applied to the view.*
– Improves stability when editing a families.*
– Improves loading and editing families which contain extensible storage.*
– Allows type parameters in upgraded families to swap from one type to another.*
– Improves stability when upgrading a project which contains corrupt families.*
– Improves notification reliability when closing a workset in which a rvt file link has been placed.*
– Improves stability while opening the Material Dialog.

Autodesk® Revit® MEP 2015 Updates
 – Improves highlighting of circuits in the plan view from a panel schedule or System Browser.*

Autodesk® Revit® API 2015 Updates
– Improves querying of point cloud on RCS files using the Revit pointcloud API.*
Direct links copied here: 

Please refer to the Readme links for installation and update enchancement information.

Revit 2015 R2
Link Description
File Name
Autodesk Revit 2015 Release 2 UR6 Readme.htm
UR6 for Existing Installs
UR6 for inclusion within Deployment Image

Revit Architecture 2015 R2
Link Description
File Name
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015 Release 2 UR6 Readme.htm
UR6 for Existing Installs
UR6 for inclusion within Deployment Image

Revit MEP 2015 R2
Link Description
File Name
Autodesk Revit MEP 2015 Release 2 UR6 Readme.htm
UR6 for Existing Installs
UR6 for inclusion within Deployment Image

Revit Structure 2015 R2
Link Description
File Name
Autodesk Revit Structure 2015 Release 2 UR6 Readme.htm
UR6 for Existing Installs
UR6 for inclusion within Deployment Image

In the Revit 2015 Project Environment, you can access the tools to Manage Selections from the Manage Ribbon:

However, this Ribbon Panel is not available on the default Manage Ribbon in the Family Environment  (Build 20141119_0715(x64) Update Release 5). What to do? Well, we can just add these tools to the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), so then at least we can use them while building families. There are a couple of ways we can do this, but here is how you can do it while staying in the Family Editor:

  1. In the Family Environment, select more than one element
  2. Right-click on the Save Selection button that appears in the contextual ribbon (the green one) and “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”
  3. Save a Selection
  4. Select more than one thing
  5. Right-click on the Load Selection button that appears in the contextual ribbon (the green one) and “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”

You can also just add these items from the Project Environment, and as the QAT is shared with both environments, they will show when you edit a family.

However, while you can add the “Edit Selection” button to the QAT, it will not work in the Family Environment 🙁

The next generation of successful designers will have one important thing in common – the ability to quickly build the tool they need to accomplish a given task. Revit macro coding is one way to do this (Dynamo is another, even powerful Excel spreadsheets can qualify as BIM tools). But if you have had limited involvement with Revit macros in the past, you might be wondering “So… What is a macro anyway?”

One good place to start would in this great little article by Troy Gates on AUGI. Here are three tips from the article to get you interested:

  • I highly suggest creating the macros in the application tab so you can reuse the macros in any Revit model. If you store the macro inside the model, then it is only available to that Revit model.
  • The Revit API also allows the use of Microsoft LINQ (Language Integrated Query) functions. LINQ allows you to use a database-like query system to filter the elements contained in a collection. It is much more powerful and easier to use, in my opinion, when working with collections of Revit elements.
  • your code needs to define objects that the Revit API will use to interface with these. These objects are called UIDocument and Document…

Read the whole article:
Introduction to Revit Macros | AUGI

Did you know that you can access Navisworks Options directly from the Start Menu? Just click on Start and type “Options Editor”. Then, if you hover over the entries in that list you can pick the Options Editor for the right version of Navisworks by reading the tooltip.

Why would we want to do this? Well, if you have a Graphics Driver problem, it might cause Navisworks to continually crash when you start the program. If you head into the Options Editor, you can go to Interface – Display – Drivers and disable various options until Navisworks decides to load up again.

For example, try unticking everything except OpenGL – you might find that Navisworks can now load (this tip may particularly help if you are trying to run Navisworks in a virtual machine).

Another stable choice may be to select only the software-mode drivers:

BIM360 Revit 2015 Add-in link:   

Recap link:

If you forget to close Revit before trying to install the Glue update, you might get this error. Just close Revit, remove the BIM360 addin and then reinstall it.


Check out this free ‘practice’ screencast from Marcello, demonstrating how to extract points from Dynamo to Excel, among other things:

Simply Complex: Watch a raw uncut Practice Session from my hands on lab at AU2014 “Dynamo For Dummies” Lab Exersize 4