We’ve talked about exporting shared parameters before, but when you are editing a Titleblock (that you have inherited from somewhere) you may find that the Family Types dialog does not list all of the parameters that may already be in use in Labels in that Titleblock family.

So, how do we export those parameters? Easy:

  1. Select a Label
  2. Click Edit Label
  3. In the dialog that appears, select the parameter you want to export in the list on the left
  4. Click the tiny pencil and paper button
  5. Click Export. Done!

Firstly, consolidate your Viewport Types by using Select All Instances – In Current Project and switching them to the Types you want to keep.

Then, change a Viewport to one you want to delete, and use Snoop Current Selection (RevitLookup).  You can drill down to find the ElementID of the Viewport Type Definition:

Ok, with this in hand:

  1. Change the Viewport back to one you want to “keep”
  2. Select by ID – use the ID you found above
  3. Press Delete on the keyboard (if any viewports still use this definition, Revit will prompt you that deleting this Viewport Type could cause problems etc). 
  4. Rinse and repeat
Keep in mind that some Viewport Types are “special” / built-in, you will not be able to delete them all…


You want to update a revision/issue title block label globally in multiple sheet views without the need to edit every single individual sheet view.


The following steps explain how to add a label to a titleblock, which can be updated globally in multiple sheet views.

Autodesk – Autodesk Revit Architecture Services & Support – You want to update a revision/issue title block label globally in multiple sheet views

“In your title block family, create horizontal and vertical grid lines, equally spacing the entire title block into modules, per your standards or preference. It is recommended that you create a different Object Style for these lines (Manage tab, Object Styles), to differentiate them from other annotation linework (Figure 2).”

” this grid has many advantages over the standard guide grid. Primarily, it allows for varied width versus height grid modules, and hence, it allows for graphical linework, such as boxing out detail views.”

Revit: A Neater Alternative to the Guide Grid | AUGI: