As I go about my day-t0-day, I come across some very good free programs (some of which I have posted about before – see links at bottom).

Most recently, I have come across the following free utilities:

  • FreeFileSync – for comparing directories
  • RichCopy – very powerful copying utility, for things like network backups etc. Replacement for Robocopy + GUI
  • InfraRecorder – free burning and ISO creating utility
  • Mozilla Thunderbird – just goes from strength to strength. I have used it to connect to our Exchange database at work.
  • GRemote – this utility allows you to control a PC using a Windows Mobile device as an emulated mouse. Can connect either using WiFi or Bluetooth. Useful for Media Centre and Presentations.
  • Microsoft Security Essentials – free antimalware and antivirus program with real time scanning from Microsoft.

Hope you find these helpful!

No doubt there are a few utilities that you just can’t do without. Here are a few of my absolute favourites:

  1. CutePDF Writer – just brilliant, and its free!
  2. 7-Zip – best archive utility (in my books), and again, its free!
  3. IrfanView – very fast and very functional image viewing and editing
  4. FolderGuide – if you are still on 32 bit Windows, this is the best way to navigate folders (in my opinion)
  5. CCleaner – great way to clean up after yourself
  6. FileZilla FTP Client – open source FTP client
  7. FREE PDF Tools – these are simply awesome, and yet again, totally free!

That was just a shortlist. I may post some more in future. In the meantime, what are your favourite utilities? Feel free to comment and share them with all of us…

So, I’m thinking I would like to start getting some more followers.

I really appreciate you 3 guys (my current followers), really I do!

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I think the tip about making sure your blog gets pinged was great. Go to the following sites to make it happen: