Sometimes you can run into Revit installation errors.  There is a good “checklist” of steps to take to try and get past these over at RevitDE.  It includes things like disabling UAC and antivirus programs, ensuring you have admin rights etc.

It also describes how to use the Autodesk Uninstall Tool (a new feature in 2014 products).

Read more:
Google Translate of RevitDE post

Had a pretty persistent error which wouldn’t allow Recap to install SP1.  In hindsight, it was probably related to the error at this post:

Basically, the program thinks it needs an update when really it doesn’t, and you might have to do a registry edit to fix it.

If you want to know more about MSP files generally:

Also – UniExtract can be used to extract MSP files.

UniExtract Installer (5.3 MB) – This is the recommended download. The installer will automatically install the application and optionally integrate with the Windows Explorer context menu. This package does not contain source code.

UniExtract Binary Archive (4.95 MB) – This archive contains the binaries. Download this if you want portable version or just prefer not to use the installer.

You can also use the command line.  See below for workflow related to Autodesk 360 update 3:

  1. Download Autodesk 360 Update 3:
  2. Open a Windows command line:
    Click Windows Start menu  > Search > type cmd and press Enter.
  3. Change the working directory to the folder where you downloaded Autodesk 360 Update 3.
    Example: cd c:a360u3
  4. Run the following command to extract the msp file:
    c:a360u3> Autodesk360_x64_Release_update3.exe /e a360u3.msp
  5. Install Update 3:
    c:a360u3> msiexec /update a360u3.msp /passive /norestart

Certain Revit guys are undeniably at the “top of their game”.  Zach Kron for conceptual modelling.  Jeremy Tammik for API / programming.  Aaron Maller for a bunch of practical stuff, like Creating a Revit Template. Dave Light for a bunch of other stuff, like explaining new featuresSteve Stafford for longest-running, regular Revit blog.  The list goes on… but,

When it comes to Revit deployment, Gordon Price is “that guy”. 

If you have a question about (or a problem with) deploying Revit, Gordon has probably already solved it.  How can you benefit from his considerable experience in the area?  By taking his course on Udemy.

The course allows you to get a huge head-start on your own deployment plan, as it provides access to the deployment scripts that Gordon has developed.  These do two main tasks – admin scripts for things that need admin rights, and then user scripts for things that need to be done on a per user basis.

You know you want these…

The course is presented in a very understandable and accessible way.  Gordon provides background and orientation where necessary, but he also goes into detail on advanced topics as required.

The videos are very helpful, and demonstrate the entire process.  A number of common problems with Revit installation and deployment have been foreseen and handled by Mr Price (such as the long filename issue).

As for 2014 deployments:  I know for a fact the Gordon is deeply involved in setting up his own deployments for 2014 products, and when the time comes, he will update the Udemy course for 2014 products.  In many cases, the principles remain similar across versions.

Other cool tips and ideas in the Udemy course include:

  • how to use Resource Monitor to really tell if your Revit install has crashed…
  • set deploy default Press and Drag to zero (off).  (Want to get a T-shirt?)
  • handling multiple Templates with quick shortcuts from the Start Screen
  • disabling access to the global Wikihelp (if you want to)
  • much, much more

Here is the promo video:

(embedded JWPlayer)

In summary, Gordon is at the top of the Revit deployment game.  I tend to think he knows more than the Factory about real-world deployment.  He has developed a great system, and shared it with us all in a very comprehensive online course.  Don’t reinvent the wheel.  The time and cost required (from you or your company) to view this course will be easily won back through smooth and fast deployment.

Gordon has kindly provided a special coupon code for readers of What Revit Wants – use this link:
Revit Deployment / Gordon Price – What Revit Wants (10% off)

You can find Gordon Price on LinkedIn here. His blog is the Pragmatic Reviteer.
EDIT:  New info on Revit 2014 deployment (applies to those subscribed to the course, use the link above)

Just wanted to let you know, testing for the 2014 version is well under way. The new code and videos will be available in the next week. Of course material is included in your current course membership, no upgrade fee!
New for 2014

  • Automated Uninstalls
  • More granular control over UDC files
  • Improved logging
  • Simplified customization
  • Improved support for installing and maintaining multiple generations of ADSK software.
I am really excited about some of the new features. I hope you find the new version an improvement over the 1.0 effort.
And thanks again for joining the course!
Best regards,
Gordon Price
the Pragmatic Reviteer

PS – If you think that I (Luke Johnson) am good at things, feel free to connect with and endorse me on my LinkedIn page .

Do you ever have trouble installing Revit?

David Jnr Adjei

2012 does not want to install on my PC. It never completes, Help?
Luke Johnson

Use Process Explorer and kill any msiexec that keeps thrashing the CPU high .. after this installation should continue
David Jnr Adjei

Luke that worked perfectly, finally can get some work done. Thanks for your help
Luke Johnson
Glad I could help! Have fun with it.

If you want to install Dynamo on (or into ?) Revit, Tom Vollaro from Inside the Factory has posted the steps.

I have previously posted about Dynamo on github and Microsoft Kinect with Dynamo (multiple videos).

The installation is a bit wonky, so here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Dynamo repository on github.
  2. Click on DynamoInstall or DynamoInstall_32bit (depending on your Revit install)
  3. Click on Release
  4. Click on both the msi file and setup.exe. For each, click “View Raw” and that will allow you to download the file
  5. Run setup.exe and restart Revit. I will post instructions soon on getting it going in Vasari.

Inside the Factory: Revit Spaghetti

Some of you have had problems installing Revit.  Perhaps running the Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter via Microsoft Fix it portable will help?

I recommend using the following link. After downloading, you will have to run the exe, which itself will then download ‘Fix it portable’ to a folder that you select:
Portable Offline: MicrosoftFixit-portable.exe

In the top list, click on Install or upgrade software or hardware, and click ‘Run Now’ next to Diagnose and fix program installing and uninstalling problems automatically.

Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter Tool Replaces MSICUU2 | Raymond.CC Blog

When running the deployment under a system account, the deployment appears to complete successfully. Revit appears to run normally, however, some of the user data is misdirected and supporting folders like the Journals folder are not created under <%LocalAppData%AutodeskRevitAutodesk Revit Architecture 2012>. Journal files are then written to C:temp instead.

Read the rest at
Revit 2012: SCCM deployments and the Identity.ini file – Up and Ready