In Revit 2013, you can’t tag the slope of ramps in Plan views using the Spot Slope tool.  There are workarounds out there already, but here is an easy one:

  1. Make a new Generic Model Adaptive family with 2 Placement Points
  2. Make a spline between these two points (select them and then hit the spline by points button).  Set its category to Invisible
  3. Load this Family into a Project, and using a 3D view, place it at the centre line of a ramp (the two points should snap to the correct location in 3D)
  4. In a Plan view, use the standard Spot Slope tool in Revit – just pick the adaptive component “line” that you just placed.

As I mentioned above, there are other workarounds for this. One is to put a slope arrow on an adjacent Floor, then copy it on top of a Ramp. It works!

Check out comments and video link below…


I actually found this did not work too well in Revit 2013 (no problem in 2012).  However, after a bit of fiddling, I have created 3 files (one for Revit 2012, 2013 and 2014) – all of which have spot slopes on Ramps that can be copied around.  Here is the link:
View / download


A recent post by Mark Cronin got me thinking… if you can control the arrowhead lineweight for Spot dimensions, can we hack one of these to make a piece of ‘text’ with adjustable arrowhead lineweights?  The answer is yes:

Some people want absolute visual control.  If you are one of those people, check out the example file and see if you can figure out how I did it:

Thanks to:
Leader Arrowheads | betterREVIT

Mark also makes this comment:
So it appears as though the ability to control these parameters is indeed there (and has been for years)! But why can’t they be controlled for text annotation and keynotes, where they would be of most use? 

Personally, I wonder whether Spot dimensions are a ‘newer’ element in terms of Revit version, so perhaps the Factory was able to introduce this visual control here, while still being unable to easily add it to existing elements like text.

If you are wondering how to modify the text, you need to access the annotation symbol family that is referred to in the Spot Coordinate type definition:

After modifying this property, you need to drag or just “touch” the spot coordinate to force it to regenerate.

You know when you have two pads meeting at a common edge, and then Revit for some reason shows this tiny sliver of created topography between them?

Try this:

  • Set the two Pads to have the same ‘Level’ and ‘Height Offset from Level’ property values
  • If you need to use slope arrows, you should still be able to get them to work upwards or downwards from this particular level

This tip worked for me – I hope it helps you.  I’m pretty sure that there are still situations where things still just won’t quite work…but for the time being, Revit Wants you to set adjacent Pad levels at the same value.

Tip via this thread
Pads Pads Pads…oh and there’s a problem – AUGI