The last color scheme of some area schemes were lost, therefore the color fill function for that area scheme was also lost in the model and the user is unable to assign it color schemes.


To restore a default color scheme for these problematic area schemes in the Revit Project follow these steps.
  1. Create a new Revit project (project1.rvt) with default template.
  2. In project1.rvt, open the Home > Room & Area > Area and Volume Computations dialog.
  3. On the Area Schemes tab, click the New button to create an area scheme and rename it to match the Area scheme name in the Revit project containing the missing color schemes.
  4. Click OK to exit the dialog.
  5. Switch to the original Revit project file and go to Manage > Transfer Project Standards.
  6. In the dialog, choose Copy from: Project1.
  7. Click the Check None button and select Color Fill Schemes.
  8. Click OK.

Autodesk – Autodesk Revit Architecture Services & Support – Area schemes have lost their color schemes

When in Edit Mode for a Model group, the Area Boundary Line tool is grayed out.

However, to work around this limitation, you can:

  • Select Area Boundary lines that exist ‘in the project’ and then trigger the Group command to group them, or
  • Edit an existing Model Group and use the ‘Add’ option to bring Area Boundary lines from the Project into the Group

It is an unusual limitation, but the above workarounds are not too onerous.