Workarounds for "No suitable geometry found when exporting from Revit to Navisworks 2015"

On latest R2 version of Revit 2015, with Navisworks 2015 SP3 and Navisworks Exporters R3, there remains a Navisworks export bug that affects some projects after upgrade from previous versions of Revit.

Error: documented at

Workaround: You can use the selection method to Export and the error does not seem to occur:

  1. Open the 3D view to export 
  2. Select all visible objects 
  3. Go to Addins ribbon, 
  4. choose External Tools – Navisworks 2015 (Exporter) 
  5. In the settings, choose “Selection” (see attached screenshot) 
  6. Name the file and export as usual

Other suggested workarounds (did not work in this instance):

  1. Turn off Detail Items
  2. Try exporting again


  1. Remove View Template
  2. Set Level of Detail of view to something other than Fine
  3. Set Level of Detail of categories in V/G to the setting you desire (can be Fine)
  4. Try exporting again 

Try turning off categories one at a time to find out which Category the problem geometry resides in.

using “uncut” in the Family Editor to uncut the voids from everything, and then using ‘cut’ to cut them again. after reloading back through into the project, this also allowed the export to continue.

some other way…

      The log file reports:
      Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ExternalApplicationException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Autodesk.Revit.DB.CustomExporter.Export(View3D view)
         at NavisWorks12.LcIRevitBase.Export3DView(View3D view_3d, StateDictionary state_dict)
         at NavisWorks12.LcIRevitBase.ExportDocument(String& return_message, ElementSet elements, LcIRevitParameters* params)

      Related forum:
      v2015 – Navisworks Can’t Import Revit – Autodesk Community

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      10 years ago


      Regarding Revit 2015 NWC export is it just coincidence or were you CP's reference?

      10 years ago

      I get this error constantly and none of these solutions work. Autodesk support has also been unhelpful.

      Luke Johnson
      10 years ago
      Reply to  Anonymous

      It seems this is related to overlapping voids in your families. Once you determine the at-fault families, you can modify the family to use solid extrusions instead of voids. Once the problem families are replace, the error should go away.

      Needless to say, from a development perspective upgrading a model to a "newer" Revit version should not have resulted in this frustrating issue.

      10 years ago
      Reply to  Anonymous

      Same problem here. I have tried suggestions found elsewhere, turning off detail items in templates, deleting all templates, exporting by selection… nothing seems to work. To make it worse, this is one of several consultant's models that get updated weekly- there is no easy way to troubleshoot hundreds of families or to find time to do so.

      9 years ago

      Only removing the view templates worked for my file.