UPDATE: Check out my Supertip post at https://wrw.is/2010/04/supertip-3-keyboard-shortcuts.html
The Subscription Advantage Pack for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 has generally been received quite well. I am a little annoyed that I recently spent quite some time creating some parametric truss families, and now they give us the Structural tools! In reality though, it is a welcome and helpful update.
The new Keyboard Shortcuts dialog is great – it allows for easy viewing and updating of shortcuts. However, it does not allow you to ‘sort’ the priority of shortcuts that begin with the same letter. Here are a few tips on using the new dialog:
- To open the dialog, go to the View tab, User Interface button, Keyboard Shorcuts…
- To import your old shorcuts, click on Import, change the ‘Files of type’ drop down list to *.txt files, browse to your ‘Program’ folder and select the ‘KeyboardShortcuts.txt’ file. You can choose to overwrite or merge your shortcuts.
- To ensure that a given shortcut works with a single key configuration (ie. Move triggered by M-Space, remove all other shortcuts beginning with ‘M’ and reassign them.
- TIP – You can use the ‘number’ keys and assign shortcuts to these! If you are a gamer, it will be quite natural for you to select the number keys to trigger various weapons, powers or actions. Now, you can set Move to 1, Copy to 2, Rotate to 3 and so forth. These are your powers now!
- TIP – By clicking the ‘shortcuts’ column heading in this dialog, it will sort the commands by their related shortcuts. This is a quick and easy way to see if there are any duplicates.
Enjoy the new Keyboard Shorcuts dialog and feel free to post any tips or comments you may have.PS – Here are some relevant AUGI forum links for your perusal:Help w/ new keyboard shortcuts?Subscription Advantage Pack for Revit