I noticed these CIP folders were consuming huge amounts of space:

So, I basically deleted everything out of these CIP folders and freed up a lot of space. Upon restart, Navisworks re-created the necessary support files. The current path on latest Navisworks version is:

Close Navisworks, go to this CIP folder and select all – Delete. Send them to Recycle Bin if you are worried something will break. Open Navisworks, check everything is OK, then you should be able to delete them permanently.

These were the files:

Across various Navis versions:

Sometimes, when enabling and disabling CIP in Navisworks 2015, I will get a crash. Save before you do it!

Using Windows 7, you can switch the BIOS disk management from AHCI to IDE or IDE to AHCI without reinstalling the OS.  However, you need to reset 4 registry “START” keys to 0 before rebooting and changing the BIOS setting.  If you don’t change these settings first, you will get repeated blue screens…

Some more info:

1) I assume u have installed Windows Vista or Windows 7 with AHCI set from BIOS !

2) [Add keys from 3 if they don’t exist)

3) Now the manually regedit part Go to :




And in thease three keys in the right pan u will find a key named “START” change at all three (Msahci,iaStor,iaStorV) values from 0 To 1

Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_PciIde

,then change the start value to “0”

4) Now u are allmost done , restart your computer/laptop , and go to Bios and set from AHCI to IDE !!! , save settings in Bios and restart

Solved Switch AHCI TO IDE (Tutorial HowTo) !!!