Switching Navisworks from Standalone to Networked License

Let’s say you installed a standalone trial using BDSU media, and you are trying to switch to Networked license of Navisworks.  Can it be done?

One possible method:
If you did it by making a Deployment you can modify the deployment and then running the setup again will modify your installation
If you have a manual trial install. it might that placing a LICPATH.LIC file in C:Program FilesAutodeskNavisworks Manage 2013 might do the trick
This file is nothing but an ASCII file that points to your license server

SERVER yourserver.domain 27000
How to convert Standalone to Network – Autodesk Discussion Groups

Do you have a better suggestion?  Feel free to comment…

Other ideas for switching standalone to network licenses for AutoCAD products can be derived from:

Some reading:
Solution for Inventor
Prior to the 2012 release we did not provide license switching at runtime. You had to uninstall the product and reinstall it with the appropriate license.
For the 2012 release products, the solution described here has only an effect on the licensing method for the individual Inventor product. If Inventor is installed as part of a suite (Factory Design Suite or Product Design suite), the other products in the suite, except AutoCAD, do not have a mechanism for runtime license switching and will continue using the license method used at install time. Below are three example scenarios.

For the 2013 release products and beyond, this solution is both valid for the individual Inventor and Inventor LT product and for Inventor and Inventor LT installed as part of a suite.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAutodeskNavisworks Manage x6410.0AdLM]

Other info:
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