“It boils down to this – bad habits easily translate between CAD and BIM packages – and the tools and models are only as good as the information you put into it. IT’s like saying the car made me drive home drunk, ’cause I didn’t know any other way to get home…”
The MEP CAD Engineer: Interesting article on a BIM failure:
I know I don’t need to say this again…but Revit WANTS you to put good information into it.
"The message: A reminder that any tool is only as effective as the user, and that communication, coordination and constructability are still very valuable insights that the team must exchange regardless of the tools being used. BIM is making these insights even more effective and necessary as 3D modeling brings to light many factors that looking at a series of 2D drawings many never clearly show."
BIM-LACCD: A Cautionary Digital Tale of Virtual Design and Construction | ENR: Engineering News Record | McGraw-Hill Construction: