Heaps more videos from Autodesk Building

If you haven’t discovered the Autodesk Building Youtube channel yet, now is the time.
Or, you can view all latest posts from heaps of blogs at my Revit Professionals (Revit Blog Directory) site.
And here is a list of some of the latest videos from the channel.

Autodesk Revit: Performing Conceptual Energy Analysis

subscription.autodesk.com – This video demonstrates how to start a conceptual energy analysis and view the results.
Time: 01:37

Autodesk Revit: Changing Energy Settings

subscription.autodesk.com – This video demonstrates how you can modify energy settings to change zoning, glazing, and skylights before performing energy analysis on the model.
Time: 02:12

Autodesk Revit: Using Automatic Form Rationalization

subscription.autodesk.com – This video demonstrates how intelligent energy settings are used to rationalize the mass form into mass surfaces and zones for energy analysis.
Time: 02:43

Autodesk Revit: Choosing the Project Location and Weather Station

subscription.autodesk.com – This video describes how to specify the location and a weather station for the project, so the correct climate information will be used during energy analysis.
Time: 01:57

Autodesk Revit: Using Images in Revit

subscription.autodesk.com – This video illustrates importing, resizing, and placing an image file for use in a Revit project.
Time: 01:28

Autodesk Revit: Sketching

subscription.autodesk.com – This video demonstrates when sketching is required to create geometry, such as slabs and roofs, in Revit.
Time: 01:36

Autodesk Revit: Understanding Revit Server

subscription.autodesk.com – This video presents the concept behind Revit Server, and demonstrates how to connect to Revit Server and the Revit Server Administrator.
Time: 03:22
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