BIM360 Integrated Shared Views with Navisworks Manage – its finally here!

One of my most liked posts on the Ideastation is this one, where I request the ability to share viewpoints between Navisworks and Glue.

This functionality has finally been provided in Service Pack 3 for Navisworks Manage 2016.

It is officially called “Shared Views”, as per the above details from the SP3 feature readme.

How does it work?

  1. In Navisworks 2016, connect with a BIM360 Glue project and model
  2. Navigate in Navisworks to a view you would like to save
  3. On the BIM 360 ribbon, open the Shared Views pane and then click New
  4. Name the view

After creating this view in Navisworks, you can open the Glue Windows client and open that model, and the view will appear in the Shared Views list:

Similarly, in the Glue web client you can now access this view:

 And, in the Windows client we can easily make and organize Shared Views. To see them in Navisworks, just click Refresh and they will show up in the Shared Views pane:

This update is a great advancement for Autodesk BIM interoperability, and combined with Switchback it now allows bidirectional viewpoint sharing between Navisworks, Glue and Revit. Very cool 🙂

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