30 free videos from Revit author and educator Paul Aubin (playlist)

Links via https://twitter.com/paulfaubin

I just grabbed them and added them to a playlist for easy access… about 3.5 hours worth!

Here are the basic video titles in the playlist (as at 17 September 2012):

Revit Architecture: How to make global changes

Understanding the building information modeling process

Revit Architecture: The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar

Revit Architecture: How to use the modification tools

Revit Architecture: How to work with DWG files

Revit Architecture: How to add curtain walls

Revit Architecture: How to create key styles

Revit Architecture: How to use the Blend tool

Revit Architecture: Working with the Project settings

Understanding Revit Architecture’s Family Editor

How families work in Revit Architecture

How to work with Revit’s Family Editor

How to work with Revit’s reference planes

How to use Revit Architecture’s camera settings

How to use the Sun Path feature

How to use non-photorealistic renderings

What you should know about Revit Architecture

Rivet Architecture design asset management + general overview

Rivet Architecture tutorial: Building an in-place mass

Revit Architecture tutorial: Working with curtain panels

Revit Architecture: Exploring advanced stitching strategies

Revit Architecture tutorial: Understanding adaptive points

Revit Architecture tutorial: Working with DWG files

Revit Architecture: Creating custom walls

Revit Architecture: How to work with floors

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