Using Dynamo to create a live Link between Excel and Revit

There are a myriad of ways to link spreadsheet data into Revit, including numerous addins to import and export data to Excel. There is also the Google Sheets connection. Recently, the BIM Troublemaker posted about using Dynamo because, as he puts it, “this was the tool that could give me an on the fly, bi-directional excel link…”

I enjoyed reading the post, because it explains Dynamo use starting from a basic level, and yet shows a practical example of something that can be built on and adapted to suit your needs.

Excel out dyn

The working example uses Dynamo commands to extract data from Revit family instances into Excel, and then push data from Excel back into Revit. Nice job!

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9 years ago

Good work! I´m trying to execute something similar but I have a problem with the box "ALL ELEMENTS OF TYPE". It´s impossible to get the fields. Dynamo reads my Family Type but not the fields inside, which is what I need to export to Excel. Any idea?
Thank you

Luke Johnson
9 years ago
Reply to  cristian

You need to collect those elements, then use a GetParameterValueByName to extract the desired values from those family instances.

8 years ago

Take a look at the new live functionalities offered by Flux for linking REVIT Dynamo and Excel