Use Ctrl + scroll wheel in various Revit dialogs to Zoom in and out

Just hold down Ctrl button while scrolling with mouse wheel… I have tested this (non exhaustively) on Revit 2013 and Windows 7, and it works fine on the following dialogs:

  • the Properties Palette (wow!)
  • the data section of the Type Properties (Edit Type) dialog
  • Family Types
  • the Family Parameters part (lower section) of the Family Category and Parameters dialog
  • IFC Export and Import Options dialogs
  • Fill Patterns settings
  • Sheet Issues/Revisions

Thanks to this tweet for the heads-up:

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Paul F. Aubin
10 years ago

I was given this tip during a training session by one of the attendees. I was wowed! I believe it works in any program, but I have not tested. I works great to enlarge what you are typing in Family Types or other windows while on a projector in front of a class.

10 years ago

Dang!! How did I not stumble upon this before?!
This is a nice feature, particularly for presentations where the projector screen size is sometimes limited.
Too bad it doesn't work in more dialog boxes — it isn't working for me some very frequent windows like Project Browser, Visibility/Graphics, Schedules, Schedule Properties, etc.
(I'm testing it in Revit 2014)