RevitLookup for Revit 2015 – compiled version for download

Jeremy Tammik has upgraded RevitLookup for Revit 2015.  I compiled the latest version and have provided it here – please note it comes with no guarantees, but it worked for me.

  1. Download this and extract
  2. Run the .bat file, which will copy the .addin and .dll to your ProgramData addins folder

Or, you can manually download and compile from:

  1. Use github link above and click Download Zip
  2. Extract it
  3. Open the RevitLookup.sln in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
  4. Add C:Program FilesAutodeskRevit 2015 to Reference Paths
  5. Build > Build Solution (note – this should automatically copy to Appdata folder, so you should be good to go…), or
  6. If you want to use ProgramData instead, copy RevitLookup.addin and RevitLookup.dll to:
    C:ProgramDataAutodeskRevitAddins2015 and remove them from:
  7. Open Revit 2015 and test

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The Building Coder: RevitLookup for Revit 2015

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