How to Choose a Revit Content Management Solution

Whenever you are looking to implement a new technology in your firm, you typically go through a few steps:

  1. Figure out what is out there in the marketplace – What products are available?
  2. Collect data about all of the technologies that may suit your use case
  3. Rigorously compare and analyse all the data
  4. Make a decision and go for it

There are some excellent content management tools out there for Revit now, so how can you choose? I went through a very comprehensive research analysis of a number of Revit CMS platforms, and I posted about the process here.

Then I caught up with Steve Germano over at Unifi to talk about the results. You can view (or just listen) to it here:

Feel free to comment here with your thoughts and we can keep the conversation going!

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Marius van Wyk
1 year ago

Hi Luke,

Thank you for sharing your results, and I just watched the webinar.

I see this was done in 2017 and I wonder if you have a more current 2022 updated report and any advice would be appreciated.

I am in the process of getting a list of CMS ready to suggest to our Directors and would be telling purely on our perceived content creation and management needs.

1.CMS I am suggesting are:

2.Content creation and templates and standards maintenance:
CTC BIM batch, Manager and Project suites
Ideate tools