Built In Parameter Checker updated for Revit 2015

Jeremy Tammik has kindly upgraded and released BipChecker for Revit 2015, you can download it at:

Steps to get it going:

  1. Download ZIP
  2. Extract
  3. Open SLN in Visual Studio 2013 Express (free)
  4. Right click on BipChecker in Solution Explorer and open Properties
  5. Go to Reference Paths and add your Revit program directory
  6. Build Solution

It should instantly be visible in Revit 2015, Addins, External Tools – even if you have Revit open. While it has many uses, immediately obvious are the fact that it shows whether a parameter is read-write and it also displays GUIDs for Shared Parameters. You can choose whether to display Instance or Type Parameters. Cool.

Here is some sample output:

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