Download a suitable image such as Android-x86 5.1 rc1.vdi from:
Android x86 VM images for VMware and VirtualBox

Attach it to a Linux image in VirtualBox, my settings below:

Depending on your host hardware, you might want to Disable Mouse Integration (little icon at the bottom of the screen), and install an app like Rotation Locker from the Play Store so that you can force the screen rotation to portrait or landscape.

Once installed you should be able to access the Play Store from your Windows PC and install apps into the Android VM:


I upgraded from Linux Mint 15 to Linux Mint 17 “inplace” this week. Basically, I edited /etc/apt/sources.list to match current versions (qiana and trusty), then used a few simple commands to do the upgrade. Make sure you backup everything before attempting this:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo apt-get upgrade 

I had a couple of issues to fix up. One was with fonts (I had some black squares appearing on some dialogs), so I replaced the contents of .fonts.conf with the version at this link. I also had to fix a failed hook that was stopping the final image upgrade, and for this I used:
$ sudo chmod -x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/(problem hook)
$ sudo apt-get install -f

As for the “using Revit” part – I installed Teamviewer using the deb package from  Then, I logged into my workstation and here it is, Revit 2015 on a super-old netbook running Linux:

Other options for running Revit on Linux include:

  • Wine emulation
  • Running a VirtualBox emulation of a Windows system, and installing Revit

While I was at it, I also installed the power saving tweaks over here.  Additionally, I like to use newrez to increase my resolution (through a software buffer), meaning I can kinda have 1680×980 resolution on a 1024×600 monitor.

Oh, and one final tip: I have an Android emulator running through VirtualBox that allows me to install Android apps. This means I can theoretically install and use Autodesk mobile apps on this Linux netbook.

vbox86tp version with gapps & houdini & flash:
In VirtualBox, import the OVA appliance.  Then, you may need to disable mouse integration and allow Android to update itself on first boot.
Once it has booted, you should be able to login using your Google account and access the Play Store to download and run Android applications.


More info:

Read more / via

You can access images for Linux, Windows or Mac.

Just extract and import the appliance to your VirtualBox installation.

EDIT It would seem that there is “approval” given for reusing and rearming these images beyond the trial period – this screenshot is taken from one of the imported VMs in VirtualBox: