Currently includes links to the following pages:
- Upgrading Revit 2012 (Material ) Libraries
- Upgrading Material Properties
- Materials in Upgraded Piping Projects
- How Pre-2013 Stairs Subcategories are Mapped to Current Subcategories
- Railings: When you create a railing in an Autodesk Revit 2013 project, new railing types are available that include top rail and handrail properties. When you upgrade a project, if the new rail (top rail and handrail) properties do not display in the railing Type Property dialog, duplicate the existing railing type, and the new rail properties will be available in the duplicated type.
- Upgrading Revit Macros
Upgrade Information for Autodesk Revit 2013 – WikiHelp
You may also be interested in the File Upgrader add-in on Autodesk Exchange.