Rethinking BIM is a kinda awesome new BIM site – you should definitely check it out.

There are lots of videos and downloads available.  Some of this stuff looks like it has been collected or derived from the blogosphere or web in general.

One recent post provides an example file that can help you to find the surface normal in an Adaptive Component

Image from Rethinking BIM

Download the File From Here:

Finding the Normal in an Adaptive Component � Rethinking BIM

During the lesson here is an example of such light tent structures, we learn how to create adaptive components. The main feature of both the tents and adaptive components is their ability to adapt to their surroundings.

Google Translate of post

Here is a Google Translate into English of the PDF Text

Some other links:
Alexei Borisov blog

Link to original PDF

Here is a link to the Russian Autodesk communities page:
Revit 2012 – Адаптивные компоненты

Here is a link to the issuu page:
Адаптивные компоненты

Interesting video on AutoCAD Exchange over at this link.

The main point of the video is – if you want to work with Solids in AutoCAD effectively, you should correctly set the DELOBJ system variable. What does this variable mean?

From Autodesk online help:

As Revit users, if we ever use AutoCAD for 3D modeling, we want to try and create a form that is a true ‘solid’, something that Revit can understand properly (as opposed to messy meshes).

It seems that this workflow is becoming easier. Of course, Revit itself is becoming a more powerful 3D modeling tool. Check out my post on Bending the Rules with Adaptive Points.

The existence of the Adaptive Component feature isn’t really a secret. But it is one of the coolest things about Revit 2011. Imagine a family that lets you push and pull points in 3D space…and imagine that those points then drive all the geometry inside the family.

It is very nearly cool. However, I say ‘nearly’ because there are definitely some serious limitations. Autodesk has come out and listed some of these limitations, such as:
adaptive components can only be placed in a conceptual mass family, an in-place mass, a curtain panel by pattern family, or another adaptive component family.

This is a real shame, because this is going to be one of the most powerful modelling tools in Revit 2011. If only we could use them in all categories!

Look out for some very cool forms in the next few weeks, as users start to get the hang of Adaptive Components. And look out for some very neat workarounds and tricks to get the most from this new feature.