RVT Origin Linking Tips

Posted by Mark Petrucci:

  •  Did you know there is another point called the Startup Location? Be default, the PBP and SP are located on top of the Startup Location. What is the Startup Location used for? It’s used for linking models ORIGIN-TO-ORIGIN.
  • If you are an engineer and want to link the Architect’s project file origin-to-origin, you need to do this before you start the engineering model.
  • if a structural engineer lays out column grids without the architects model and then links files later, origin-to-origin will not work.
  • never, I repeat never move the building. I’ve read blogs on how to move a building using infinite view ranges. This does not work…

Applied Software Blog: Revit Shared Origin Survey Startup Base Location…

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Todd Townsend
12 years ago

Can you move the start up location independent of the model?