Revit 2014 – crash on initial startup FIX

In our case, we had to add local PC “Users” permissions for Full Control to this file:

I recommend that you review each PackageContents.xml in the ProgramData location to check for appropriate permissions.

Key lines from journal:
‘ 0:< Autodesk Revit 2014 
‘ 0:< 64-bit load point = C:Program FilesAutodeskRevit 2014 
‘ 0:< this journal = C:UsersljohnsonAppDataLocalAutodeskRevitAutodesk Revit 2014Journalsjournal.0008.txt 
‘ 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -54 -> 8387401 MB, Used +8 -> 186 MB, Peak +39 -> 218 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 12989 MB, Used +13 -> 241 MB, Peak +14 -> 242 MB 
‘ 0:< Exception occurred 
‘C 24-Sep-2013 09:05:39.639;   0:< ExceptionCode=0xe0434352 ExceptionFlags=0x00000001 ExceptionAddress=000007FEFD17940D 
‘ 0:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
‘ 0:< RAM Statistics:    12989 /    16291       241=InUse      242=Peak  
‘ 0:< VM  Statistics:  8387402 /  8388607       186=InUse      218=Peak  
‘ 0:< Unconverted MessageBox “An unrecoverable error has occurred.  The program will now be terminated.  All of your data has been recently saved, so there is no need to create recovery files.” 

Basic fix method found at:
Other possible solutions:
  • Delete Autodesk, Inc. folder
  • Delete cascade
  • Make a new user profile and see if that works
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