IFC for Revit Updated with Better IFC4 support (version 16.6 and 17.3 download links here)

The excellent and open-source IFC extension for Revit (previously known as IFC Exporter) has been updated. Please see below for download links and update details.

Download links:
16.6 for Revit 2016

17.3 for Revit 2017

Readme details for the latest release:


– Minor improvements to the Importer class to make it easier for developers to create a custom Importer.
– We now support the IFC4 Addendum 2 schema.  Specific improvements based on that will be listed below.  For this update, you will have to manually add the IFC4_Add2.exp file (included with this package), to the EDM subfolder of your Revit Program folder.  We will automate this in a future update.

New Export Functionality:

– Allow overriding material names on export by using IfcName shared parameter.
– Expand the use of types for many elements that didn’t export types before, including beams (IfcBeamType), curtain walls (IfcCurtainWallType, and types for mullions and panels), and footings (IfcFootingType).
– Improved ability to export some geometry as IfcSweptSolid.
– Try to use axis information, if it exists, when exporting beams and members in addition to columns.
– (IFC4) Better support beam, column, and member base quantities, including weight.
– (IFC4) Collect material information for profiles for beams and columns.
– (IFC4) Expand use of FootPrint representations to columns and slabs.
– (IFC4) Expand use of IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage if the entity has a compound structure in Revit, as allowed by IFC.
– (IFC4) No longer create StandardCase IFC entities, as these have been deprecated (including IfcWallStandardCase).
– (IFC4) Support IfcMaterialConstituent and IfcMaterialProfileSet for a number of elements.
– (IFC4) Use Built-in parameter “Structural_Bend_Dir_Angle” to get “Roll” property for PSet_BeamCommon and PSet_ColumnCommon.
– (IFCAdd2) Support IfcPolygonalFaceSet.

Export Bug Fixes:
– Allow exporting to IFC while using Collaboration for Revit where the default directory isn’t local.
– Better support for MEP type entities, that didn’t always export correctly.
– Correct the parameters of the directrix of some IfcSweptSolids.
– Fix correct mapping of IfcBurnerType/IfcGasTerminalType and IfcElectricHeaterType/IfcSpaceHeaterType.
– Fix creation of types for sub-entities of IfcDistributionControlElement.
– Fix offset problem when using the “Export Linked Files as Separate IFCs” option in locales where the decimal mark is not a point.
– (IFC4) Correct names of IFC4 entity quantity sets.
– (IFC4) Fix the name of IfcCommunicationsApplianceType.

New Import Functionality:

– Add support for IfcDerivedProfileDef.
– Support IfcRelClassification.
– (IFC4) Support IfcMaterialProfile, IfcMaterialProfileSet, and IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage.
– (IFC4) Support IfcMaterialConstituent and IfcMaterialConstituentSet.
– (IFC4) Support IfcTessellatedFaceSet and IfcPolygonalFaceSet.
– (IFC4) Improve mapping from Roll parameter to structural bend direction angle.
– (API only) Allow for two new options, CreateDuplicateZoneGeometry and CreateDuplicateContainerGeometry, that disable the duplication of geometry for zone elements and containers, respectively.

Import Bug Fixes:
– Better reporting when importing an IFC file with invalid rectangular or circular profiles (e.g., a 0 radius profile).
– Don’t show the void geometry when subtracting a void from an empty solid as a result of an IfcBooleanResult calculation.
– Ensure that IFC2x schema files can still be imported.
– Fix import of some IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolids.

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