Free Room Renumber, Change Case, Space Update and GridSelect

“Free of charge you can try IMAGINiT Utilities for Revit Lite which includes four popular utilities:

Room Renumber, Change Case, Space Update and GridSelect.”

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Room Renumber Easily renumber existing rooms into an order defined by selection. Insert rooms into an existing series with the subsequent room numbers “shifted” to make space for the inserted one.

Change Case Instantly match your organization’s or client’s standards on naming with UPPER CASE, Title Case, or lower case. This tool scans your model and automatically fixes “case issues” to whatever standard you specify.

Space Update Seamlessly transfers room names and numbers from the linked Revit Architecture model to the Revit MEP model. Eliminate tedious manual input of room names and numbers in different places.

GridSelect Select Revit elements based on the grid they are on. Select walls, columns, beams and more. Choose the current level or all levels and select collinear or touching beams.

For more info, head over to

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13 years ago


Charlotte Revit User Group also offer a similar add-on for free
Go to their web site at
They have both 2011 and 2012 version available

Philip C

Luke Johnson
13 years ago

Thanks Philip.

I have previous posted about the Charlotte version here:
What Revit Wants: Free Revit Add-ins from CRUG – some very useful stuff