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Autodesk Knowledge Network

By clicking Service Packs and Fixes, then Revit Products, I discovered this little gem:

Autodesk CAD- and BIM- Standard Tool for Revit | Revit Products | Autodesk Knowledge Network
The tool provides extended functionalities of DWG and DXF export in addition to Revit´s “out of the box” Export. Some examples are:

  • Define *.dwt template for export
  • Implement layer standard
  • Assign objects and components (e.g. wall layers) to AutoCAD layers
  • Include material information automatically to layer names
  • Assign categories, families and even types to AutoCAD layers
  • Create blocks with attributes from tags
  • Replace tags or symbols by pre-defined blocks with in the *.dwt template
  • Process doors and windows with ÖNORM tags to DWG

There is also the ability to convert polylines from DWG files linked to a Revit project to space boundaries and rooms.

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