Do you care about Revit family naming standards?

Jose doesn’t seem to think they are super-important:

Outside of Revit there are tools for managing and finding families that are more powerful and faster than any naming convention would ever allow anyone to do. And these tools have only started showing up. I’m certain that within a year there will be more options available than published naming standards.

Inside of Revit things could quickly change as well. I don’t have any specific knowledge of how or if Autodesk plans to sort out the challenges of finding families within the project browser (and if I did, I wouldn’t be able to tell you), but anyone can see that the current solution is sub-par. An improvement could come as soon as within a few months.

Andekan � Blog

And Jose, I certainly agree that ‘the current solution is sub-par…’

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Luke Johnson
12 years ago
12 years ago

Family naming is only marginally important. A tool that searches the content and parameters of that family is far more important.