Adaptive Components from Grasshopper to Revit via IFC – it CAN be done!

Now here is something cool – Jon Mirtschin of Geometry Gym has been working on an IFC importer add-in for Revit (my previous post here) (current version 0.0.23 download direct here, or source page here).

What made me go ‘wow’ today was this: using this add-in, you can take an IFC file and import it as a Generic Model Adaptive Component in Revit 2012.  You can select the points and adjust it just like ANY Adaptive Component – but it came from Grasshopper via IFC!

Here is how to do it:

  1. Download and install the add-in
  2. Upon opening Revit 2012, you can see the add-in under External Tools – Geometry Gym IFC Importer
  3. You will need to email Jon to get a license XML file.  Paste that into the appropriate folder.
  4. Now, run the Geometry Gym IFC Importer again.
  5. Download, then select the IFC file that Jon provided today (see below)
  6. Click ‘Proceed’ then wait a bit
  7. The IFC will now appear as a bunch of Adaptive Component instances that you can select and modify!

Here’s the Grasshopper model, and here’s the IFC file.
Geometry Gym: Generative Adaptive Component

In fact, there is some serious 3rd party development happening on the Grasshopper to Revit front – check out:

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