Using an Adaptive Component to measure surface area accurately

Remember Julien Benoit’s adaptive component tutorial from a year ago (link here)?  Well, Julien has made something pretty cool and posted it on RFO.  It is basically a 4 point adaptive component that calculates the area of the resulting surface using Bretschneider’s formula.

Julien’s solution (using an intense formula):
File Type: rfa AreaTool#2013_AC_CP_4P.rfa 208.0 KB

This is the formula, if you are interested (!)
sqrt((P – A) * (P – B) * (P – C) * (P – D) – ((A * B * C * D) * cos((BB + CC) / 2) ^ 2))

Alfredo’s more volumetric solution:
File Type: rvt Project_panel_areas.rvt 960.0 KB

Note: you will have to login to RFO to download from these links.

Read the whole thread:
AC curtain panel as measurement tool

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