September | 2012 | Handout Links
1) LARUG Presents_Jay B Zallan_Bootlegging Keynotes for Good not Evil II.pdf
1a) 2013 JBZ_LARUG_Custom _Keynotes.txt
2) LARUG Presents_Troy R Gates_Formula Driven Families & Noteblocks.pptx
2a) Revit Formulas for Everyday Usage_Revit Forum.pdf
2b) Family: Comments.rfa
2c) Family: Keyplan.rfa
2d) Family: Project Comments.rfa
3) LARUG Presents_Brian Andresen_Worksharing.pdf

September | 2012 | LARUG YouTube Channel 
Recorded session videos will post shortly after the live presentations & will continue to be added to at:
LARUGs BIMconsortium Youtube Channel Videos

Los Angeles Revit Users Group Blog: LARUG Presents: Essentially Revit | September 2012 Handouts & Links