After Google Reader was decommissioned, I was happy to find that inoreader was an excellent replacement. But one feature was missing: free and easy RSS Feed Translation. Did you know you can deploy your own Google Script to translate RSS feeds, and then subscribe to them in your preferred RSS Reader (like inoreader?)

Here are the steps, from

  1. Open the Google Script and choose File -> Make a copy to create a personal copy of that feed translation script into your Google Drive.
  2. Replace the source language (line #4), the target language (line #7) and the RSS feed URL (line #10) with your own values. (some language codes here)
  3. Go to File -> Manage Versions and choose Save a new version. You may leave the description field blank.
  4. Go to Publish -> Deploy as Web App, choose “Anyone, even Anonymous” under “Who can access the app” and click the Deploy button.

Google Script will now offer you a link to the web app. That’s actually the new URL of the translated RSS feed which you can directly subscribe in Google Reader or any other news reader app like Reeder, Flipboard, etc.

If you wish to translate another RSS feed, or offer the same feed but in another language, just go back to step #1.

How to Translate RSS Feeds with Google Scripts

OneNote is becoming a bit of an obsession lately. Its one tantalising step closer to a paperless life.

My latest project was to feed a large RSS reading list from Inoreader into OneNote (for offline use, archiving, searching etc). Inoreader has a paid version that can do this, but I’m always search for the free option…

The short version:

  1. Subscribe to an RSS feed with your Microsoft account
  2. Set up a rule to forward to

    The longer and more powerful way:

    1. Set up a new Microsoft account (so we can use Quick Notes default notebook freely)
    2. Make a Google account (if you don’t already have one)
    3. Make the Google account an alias of the Microsoft account, and enable it for OneNote
    4. Burn the RSS feed you want with Feedburner (I am using a large list from Inoreader, so I take that folder and burn it so I can use Email Subscription)
    5. Subscribe to it via email with the Google account
    6. Set up forwarding from the Google account to the Microsoft one. (I use the Google account so that I can do another thing later…)
    7. Forward emails matching Subject line of subscribed RSS feed to the Microsoft email address
    8. Make sure the Microsoft account is an approved alias for OneNote (step 3)
    9. In Outlook email rules, forward emails matching the FROM address of the Google account to
    10. Share the default notebook from this newly created Microsoft account to your ‘real’ one.

    Now, why do we use the Google account (step 6)? So that we can use this Google script to grab lots of stuff (from that Google account) and forward it to the OneNote Notebook and populate it with lots of interesting data. In my case, I had a few years worth of these daily RSS digest emails, and I applied a label to them in Gmail and then used the script to forward them to the Microsoft account. As the rule was set up in step 9 above, these are automatically forwarded to and then added to the OneNote Notebook.

    Slowly but surely, this Notebook is filling up with thousands of pages of research that can be searched, taken offline and shared.