Sometimes Google Drive isn’t happy when you have it syncing large folders of often-changing files (sounds like a BIM environment, yeah?) But usually, all it needs is to restart the googledrivesync process to get things back in order. Here is one way you can do that:

1) Copy the following to a text document and save as BAT or CMD:
TASKKILL /F /IM googledrivesync.exe
START “” “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleDrivegoogledrivesync.exe” –noshow_confirmation_dialog_on_delete

2) Once you have the batch file ready, you can create a basic Windows task that runs daily (before you come into work) to restart Google Drive and ensure it is in sync.

It looks like uTorrent is really coming of age. You can now easily create a torrent to Share large files with other people very quickly and easily – just drag and drop files into the ‘Drop files to send’ area.

Just make sure you give some consideration to the privacy, copyright and intellectual property implications of doing this (depending on the content you intend to share).

Download link to the current Beta (Release Candidate 5):

Release notes:
uTorrent 3.0 (32-bit) Release Candidate 4 (Page 1) / Announcements / uTorrent Community Forums