Aaron Maller has been travelling a lot lately, but he still found the time to upload some of the recent presentations that he has delivered:

Flicking through the Glasgow RUG PDF, you will find cool stuff like:
I also like these words from his post:

Its really not enough to be doing the best that i can in one country.

We need a vehicle, for reaching a Global platform.

i dont post these thinking they are anything more than what they are:  One small groups workflow that happens to get us through some specific needs.

Read more / via:
Malleristic Revitation: Malleristic BIM travels

via AUGIWorld September 2011, page 36:
However, there is a phenomenon in Revit whereas if you
“join” any two solids together, they result in a new entity, the edges
of which are “pickable.”
To illustrate this method, let’s create a sac-
rificial wall at the same location as the wall shown in Figure 9. Join
the wall and the roof surface. Notice that the roof surface now has
new edges where the wall profile line is located.


Thanks for this article Marcello!

If you are interested in Marcello’s blog, you can check it out by clicking on the image below: