Do you need to clean up your Revit files for transmission?
It is a common task to remove as much from a model as possible prior to sharing it with your consultants for the purpose of linking into their model or sometimes you want to lighten up a model that was sent to you for the same purpose. Delete Sheets, Views. and Revit Links does just what it says. You can select which of the three options you chose using the provided check-boxes.
This tool should only be used on models detached from central as it can be quite destructive.

Download at:
Delete Sheets, Views, and Revit Links | case apps

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KA Connect is a community of AEC professionals driven to transform the way the industry creates, captures, and shares knowledge.
Thought leaders from all over the world come together face to face and online to share best practices, stories, and ideas about how they manage information and share knowledge in their firms.

Main video page: KA Connect – Building Knowledge

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