I once built an auto-sizing Fire Pipe Fitting using a Formulaic method (where the various fitting sizes were driven by the Revit intersection variable), so I was interested to read about a similar strategy in a very good article in AUGIWorld January 2018 by Todd Shackelford.  It is really good to evaluate these different options before going ahead on a detailed Family development and creation task.

Among other things, Todd describes how to create a Type Catalog, including a list of the various data types:

He also describes how to use multiple Lookup Tables in a single Revit Family:


Overall, it is a very informative article for advanced Revit family creators.


Check out the full article online here:

page 36

The October 2011 AUGIWorld magazine contains an article titled ‘Codeless Revit Customization’.  You might think that it is about customizing the UI and Option settings.  However, it is actually a how-to guide on developing your own Template, including workflows for incorporating General Notes and adding typical CAD details.

The author, Ibrahim Hakki, also gives some tips on presenting your model to a Client and setting up Sheets in your Template to speed up documentation.

He also makes plenty of references to Star Trek, and some to Star Wars (which do your prefer?).  Spock and Kirk both get a mention.

Direct Link to article – http://issuu.com/augi/docs/aw201110hr/35

Download links for AUGIWorld October 2011:
Low Resolution PDF (5.3mb)
High Resolution PDF (50.3mb)

Issues | AUGI

via AUGIWorld September 2011, page 36:
However, there is a phenomenon in Revit whereas if you
“join” any two solids together, they result in a new entity, the edges
of which are “pickable.”
To illustrate this method, let’s create a sac-
rificial wall at the same location as the wall shown in Figure 9. Join
the wall and the roof surface. Notice that the roof surface now has
new edges where the wall profile line is located.


Thanks for this article Marcello!

If you are interested in Marcello’s blog, you can check it out by clicking on the image below:

There is a nice, basic guide on using the Revit 2010 Macro Manager in the latest AUGIWorld Magazine.
(LINK UPDATED 14/03/2011)

Check it out if you are interested in the API.

Picture from AUGIWorld Magazine.

Once you get into Revit programming, check out The Building Coder.

There is also an article in the magazine on Autodesk Impression, if you are interested.