Free Scripts to Deactivate and Activate All Revit Addins

I love it when people take something I hacked together and make it even better! A while ago I posted a script to disable all Revit addins, and recently Thomas Vogt sent me some much improved versions.

  • Deactivate with Teilnehmer08_1_RevitAddonsDeaktivierenPowerShell.ps1
  • Activate with Teilnehmer08_2_RevitAddonsAktivierenPowerShell.ps1


You can download a ZIP file containing the Powershell scripts here:



Disclaimers (use at your own risk etc) and notes on how to use the scripts are as per previous post.


Here is the note from Thomas:

Hi Luke,
I have used your script from and I have adjusted it a bit. I have local users without admin rights (training center computers), so I go to the users computer, open the file with rightclick > Powershell and the Admin login is shown. I got also some problems with the allusersprofile and the appdata path variable, because as soon as I login as admin, the appdata path is not anymore the user path. Thus I have changed it to the path itself. The last 2 lines help to see the errors.

Thanks for your script, it helped me a lot! My scripts are attached if you want to use it on your blog =)

Thanks to Thomas Vogt for sharing his work on this!

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Thomas Vogt
5 years ago

I continued my research, and the tool from Robert Manna is more comfortable. U can run it with admin rights as well and during the selection you have to decide which addins are usre specific and which are for all users (need admin rights)