Revit 2016 Service Pack 2

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Release Notes

As can be seen in release notes below, most of these are “Improves stability…” fixes.

  Improves stability when creating dimensions.*
  Improves stability when editing families*.
  Improves placement of the site on Open IFC if the site is located away from the origin, or rotated.
  Improves data integrity of a schedule instance on a sheet with the schedule view.*
  Corrects the name of the Default Structural Area Reinforcement Schedule.*
  Improves stability when attempting to use the Selection Box tool in Reveal Constraints mode.*
  Improves stability when upgrading a model containing corrupt families.*
  Improves stability when upgrading projects which may have some corruption.*
  Improves stability when opening or upgrading a Revit 2015 project which contains stairs.*
  Corrects an issue causing view filter names to be automatically appended when workshared models are synced.
  Improves stability when editing selection sets in a workshared model.*
  Improves data integrity of Project Address for upgraded projects.*
  Improves stability when selecting a viewport with the Select by ID tool.*
  Improves stability when canceling out of the view templates dialog.*
  Improves stability when deleting an element which may have an invalid ID.*
  Improves stability when using the Options dialog to log into A360 from a workshared central file.*

  Improves stability when editing stacked wall types*.
  Improves stability when cutting rooms to the clipboard.*
  Improves stability when clicking Edit Preview in the wall structure dialog.*
  Improves stability when editing the structure of walls.*

  Improves placement fidelity with wire tags when upgrading a project.*
  Improves stability when no panel schedule template is assigned as the default.*
  Improves connection consistency of taps.
  Improves visual fidelity of lighting fixtures within a copied group after the original group is modified.*
  Improves stability when using Mechanical Settings.*
  Improves stability when upgrading a project that contains user-created pipe types.*

 Analytical Model
  Improves stability when opening a project which contains a Structural Isolated Foundation with an invalid analytical model defined as a column.*  
  Improves stability when placing a slanted column or a beam based on a Generic Model Line Based family.*  
  Improves stability after reloading an annotation symbol family used as a symbolic representation of brace elements on plan views.*  
  Improves stability when selecting a viewer element associated with Graphical Column Schedule.*  

  Improves stability when using Dynamo and the function: Select Divided Surface Families.*  
  Improves stability when DimensionSegment ValueOverride API is called when the dimension value was not overridden.*
  Improves error handling with element’s methods/properties.*
  Improves consistency of UIApplication.PostCommand for pre-selection.*
  Improves error handling with ElementCategoryFilter.*
  Improves stability when editing families which use external resources for keynotes.*
  Adds a validator to the Rotate Tap API to guard against creating invalid models.
  Improves error handling with UIDocument.PromptToPlaceViewOnSheet() function.
  Improves consistency of the RebarContainer element.*

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9 years ago

If you check in it is marked as Revoked? I've told our Revit guys to hold off for now.