Migrating from AutoCAD to Revit?

Some wisdoms from Paul Aubin:
BIM isn’t a particular product, but rather a description of the process and intent of the deliverables used to describe, construct, and even maintain a facility. It’s therefore possible to deliver BIM with any tool, even AutoCAD.

The hardest part of the transition from AutoCAD to Revit is not the learning of the new tools and interface, but rather the “unlearning” of AutoCAD approaches and replacing the thought process used to approach a building design project with the corresponding Revit-based workflow.

In other words (dare I say it), you need to learn What Revit Wants

Read the whole post:
How to approach migrating from AutoCAD to Revit | lynda.com | lynda.blog

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Paul F. Aubin
11 years ago

Nicely summarized Luke! Thanks for the mention