Best Tips and Tricks – winner

In February, I responded to the call from the guys at Arch|Tech to submit my best tips.

Well, I am not the ‘official’ winner of the Best Revit Tip, but I did get a mention! Quote:
So, I said there were two winners. Luke Johnson, from Australia pounded me with so many worthwhile tips that I felt compelled to disqualify him from the running just to make things fair to everyone else. So, in lieu of awarding him best tip, we’ll still send him a copy of the book and we’ve added a link to his blog in the book so you can go hit all those tips yourselves.

His blog is named What Revit Wants which, reminds me of a Wham! video, but maybe I’m just dating myself.


And here is a summary of the tips that I sent to them:

tip on Impression workflow that many have read
Direct readers to, where I have created a list of Revit bloggers3D views – shaded vs rendered
Thanks for the mention guys, and I look forward to checking out the book!

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