I took both the Associate and Professional Exams for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Certification yesterday.
And I passed!
I now have the right to use these logos:
Luke Johnson
What Revit Wants
I took both the Associate and Professional Exams for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Certification yesterday.
And I passed!
I now have the right to use these logos:
Luke Johnson
Congrats. May I ask where you had to go to do these tests?
I live in Australia, in the state of Queensland, so I took the tests through the reseller KarelCAD. I basically had to sit at a computer screen and answer the questions. The Associate test is multiple choice but you can't access Revit during the test. During the certification exam for Professional, you are required to use Revit to answer the questions.
I am going to take the exam in a few days. did they have an y tricky questions, or is there anything I should pay attention to?
There was a question on multi-storey stairs that kind of tricked me, so read up on that.
Also, have a look at what you can and cannot do in schedules (ie. can you delete component family instances from a schedule?)
These were the main things I found challenging.
Thanks! Stairs are something I need to spend some time. Scheduling is something I think I work just fine.