Revizto Release Notes – Features Released in each Revizto Update

This page will be updated to show as much detail as possible on all new features and improvements released in each Revizto update.

Major Features Released in each Revizto Update

Release 4.14

Build 53753, Version Number, Date 2020-01-30

Features (link):

  • Improvements for Fulmax (camera settings)
  • Ability to set the language manually for SpellCheck inside of App Preferences
  • ArchiCad23 support
  • Bently Microstation Plugin improvements
  • Vectorworks plugin improvements
  • Ability to set the issue status of clash sync with Navisworks to the issues which are not found in Navisworks
  • Stability improvements and bug fixes

Release 4.13

Build 53385, Version Number, Date 2019-12-31

Major Features (link):

  • Ability to mark up attached image & 360 photo
  • Spell Checker for Windows/Mac
  • Support of Bentley Microstation (Alpha version)
  • Ability to mark up photos on iPad
  • Improved Markup Editor

Release 4.12

Build 53051, Version Number, Date 2019-12-10

Major Features (link):

  • Sheet Compare
    • Compare different sheets and versions in real-time
    • Create and track issues on Compare View
    • View markups on original sheet version for each issue; compare with current sheet version
    • Visually align sheets for comparison if needed
    • Additional Features & Enhancements

Other Features:

  • Halftone mode for 2D sheets
  • New filters for issues including: Deadline, Closing Date, Date of Creation
  • Ability to sort issues by title
  • Improved drag controls for point-to-point ruler mode
  • Ability to control visibility distance of clash icons in 3D scene
  • New, faster rendering engine for 2D sheets and improved PDF support
  • New Plugin for Navisworks Simulate 2020

Release 4.11

Date 2019-10-17

Major Features (link):

  • Integration with Procore RFI. All the valuable information coordinated and collaborated on in Revizto can feed directly into Procore RFI in one easy-to-access location and powerful workflow.
  • Create stamps directly from authoring software: Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, Tekla.
  • Enhancements for saved issue filters: easily find a desired filter through search; reorder filters alphanumerically if needed.
    Rhino 6 plugin
  • Vectorworks 2020 plugin

Release 4.10

Date 2019-09-20

Major Feature (link):

  • Integration with BIM 360 Docs and BIM 360 Team for Revizto Documents. It includes the ability to
    • browse BIM 360 hosted files within Revizto,
    • attach them to issues,
    • convert hosted PDFs to sheets,
    • make selected documents available offline for on-site work

Release 4.9

Date 2019-08-21

Major Feature (link):

  • Revizto Documents
    • View files from Box, Procore, BIM 360 inside Revizto
    • Attach documents to issues
    • Link sheets to CDE-hosted PDFs to see the actual version with no need to re-export
    • Make selected documents available offline for on-site work

Other Features:

  • Two-factor authentication support
  • Vectorworks plugin
  • Project gallery: project options dialog redesigned
  • 2D sheet revisions panel redesigned

Release 4.8 Special Update

Date 2019-05-16

Major Features (link):

  • Support of Revit 2020, AutoCAD 2020, Navisworks 2020.
  • Ability to send multiple issues to Procore at once through multi-edit.
  • Ability to turn automatic project updates off in preferences (may be useful when using slow cellular connection).
  • Ability to attach 360 photos from camera roll to issues on the iPad.
  • Support of Autodesk Inventor 2019.

Release 4.8

Date 2018-08-31

Major Features (link):

  • Issue Stamps
    Accelerate your markup workflow with Issue Stamps. This new feature will enable you to identify project issues with a single click and automate the reporting and management of those issues.
  • OBJ Import
    Easily import your reality capture models into Revizto with the new OBJ Import tool.
  • Bi-directional clash status synchronization with Navisworks
    Enhance your clash detection process with bi-directional clash status synchronization between Revizto and Navisworks.
  • Export to IFC
    Ability to export Revizto projects to IFC format.
  • High res images in the Issue Tracker
    Revizto Issue Tracker now supports high resolution images up to 4K – including markups over both 3D and photos.
  • Ruler in VR
    Explore and define issues accurately with our new Ruler tool in Virtual Reality.
  • Toggle between grids and levels of sub-models
    Navigate your model even easier with the ability to toggle between grids and the levels of the sub-models in your project.
  • Hebrew support for text input

Revizto 4.7

Date 2018-04-24

Major Features (link):

  • Displaying multiple issue markups on sheets. In this mode, you can see all markups related to selected sheet.
  • Ability to export any of your sheets to PDF with its markups, based on issue filtering and presents.
  • Ability to create custom filters presets in the Issue Tracker (for both reporting and filtering).
  • Ability to update issues brought in from BCF. New workflow to allow Solibri clash detection integration through BCF.
  • Integration with Tekla, so you can export directly from Tekla with our plugin.
  • Display of double-sided materials
  • New optional access limitation for ‘export to .exe / save as’
  • Support of Revit 2019
  • Support of Navisworks 2019
  • Support of AutoCAD 2019
  • Performance improvements


Note: More historical entries and additional detail for each Revizto update will be progressively added…

Detailed Release Notes:

Version: 4.13.53385

Date: 2019-12-26 14:20:58

Revizo app

– Built-in spell checker for the Issue Tracker, available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian. Spell checking language depends on the active keyboard layout.
– Ability to mark up a photo when you attach it to the issue
– Slight re-design of the sorting order inside Issue Tracker – now “unread first” is a separate option
– Support for Back and Forward mouse/keyboard buttons in Documents browser

Export scheduler

– Scheduled export from Revit will now return an error if it can’t connect to the central model

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.12.53157

Date: 2019-12-17 11:59:46

Revizto plugins
– New algorithm for clash camera positions in Navisworks plugin
– Alpha version of Revizto plugin for Bentley Microstation 10.13 (installation is disabled by default)

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.12.53051

Date: 2019-12-10 12:12:28

Revizto app

– Sheet Compare, a new feature that allows you to:
– Compare different sheets or sheet versions
– Create and update issue with compare view
– View markup on original sheet version for issue. Compare with current version.
– Align sheets for comparison
– Halftone mode for 2D Sheets
– New filters for issues: by deadline, closing date, date of creation
– Ability to sort issues by title
– Improved drag controls for point-to-point ruler mode
– Ability to control visibility distance of clash icons in 3D scene
– New rendering engine for 2D sheets, which is faster and has better PDF support

Revizto plugins

– Navisworks Simulate 2020 support

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.11.52232

Date: 2019-10-17 15:40:43

Revizto app

– Direct integration with Procore RFI module. Ability to elevate Revizto issues to new or existing RFIs. Once the issue is elevated, its status will be locked – it will reflect the status of the RFI. All RFI status changes will be reflected in Revizto issue.
Important note: the integration with Coordination Issues module of Procore has been discontinued in favour of direct RFI integration.
– Ability to create stamps from plugins (Revit, Navisworks, etc). There is a new stamp button on the issue creation screen that allows converting issue to stamp upon creation.
– Enhancements for saved issue filters: ability to search by name and apply alphanumeric ordering.
– Clearing the cache for Revizto projects now has several options. For example, it now allows removing all project files to save space on the hard drive, while keeping export settings.
– Increased the character limit to 100 characters for stamp category names.

Revizto plugins

– Vectorworks 2020 support.
– Rhino 6 support.

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes.

Version: 4.10.51843

Date: 2019-09-19 14:31:59

Revizto app

– New integration with BIM 360 Docs and BIM 360 Team for Revizto Documents. It includes the ability to browse BIM 360 hosted files within Revizto, attach them to issues, convert hosted PDFs to sheets.
– 2D gallery: visual indicators for sheets hosted on Box/Procore/BIM 360.
– 2D gallery: new sheet filter by the number of total issues.
– Image viewer in Issue Tracker attachments and Docs: ability to open any image as 360 panorama.
– Docs: checkboxes for group operations moved to the left side + some other visual tweaks.
– New setting in Cache Management: ability to set max file size for issue attachments downloaded using “Download for field” button.
– Terminology change: Revizto Revisions renamed to Versions to eliminate ambiguity with Revit sheet Revisions. Project -> Revisions dialog is now called Project -> Versions.
– Tooltips in the UI will now show up quicker.

Navisworks plugin

– Export Scheduler now has an option to choose between 2 types of Navisworks licenses: AdLM and BIM 360. Scheduled task will run Navisworks in selected licensing mode.
– Removed the ability to export sheets from Navisworks.

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes.

Version: 4.9.51551

Date: 2019-08-20 14:06:56

New major feature – Revizto Documents

– Integration with two file hosting providers – Box and Procore
– Ability to view files from Box and Procore inside Revizto
– Ability to attach them to issues
– Ability to link sheets to Box/Procore originated PDFs to always see the actual version with no need to re-export
– Ability to make selected files available offline for on-site work

Export to Revizto

– Ability to export sheet coordinates only to update the overlay data for Box/Procore originated sheets

Revizto app

– Two-factor authentication support
– Project gallery: project options dialog redesigned
– 2D sheet revisions panel redesigned
– New issue filter by attached Docs
– Built-in PDF viewer for Docs and issue attachments
– New section in Preferences – Cache management
– Export for Mac (standalone executable) was disabled

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.8.50626

Date: 2019-07-11 12:04:37
Revizto app

– Supported the latest version of FARO
– Improved texture quality for FBX files
– Integration with FULmax

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.8.49828

Date: 2019-05-30 16:50:48
Revizto app

– Fix for slow project opening
– Fix for incorrect issue upload error messages in the log

All Revizto products

– Stability improvements and minor bug fixes

Version: 4.8.49628

Date: 2019-05-17 15:04:41

Revizto plugins

– Support of Revit 2020, Navisworks 2020, AutoCAD 2020
– Support of SketchUp 2019
– Support of Autodesk Inventor 2019

Revizto app

– Ability to send multiple issues to Procore at once through multi-edit
– Ability to turn automatic project updates off in preferences (may be useful when using slow cellular connection)
– New interface dialog – Log – showing issue upload errors
– Re-design of editing tags, watchers, assignee, reporters in the Issue Tracker
– Re-design of issue attachment viewer. Attachment gallery was removed
– 2D sheet gallery: the date that is displayed in the sheet list is now showing the date when the sheet was last updated (last sync date)
– Ability to export old sheet revisions to PDF
– Water shader was removed

Navisworks plugin

– Camera positioning algorithm for clash group changed. Now the camera in 3D will be closer to the clash
– Screenshots of clashes are now saved in JPG format instead of PNG to reduce the amount of disk space used

Revit add-in

– Added the ability to export sheets from Revit through DWF format instead of DWFx (for vector sheets). Can be used when DWFx causes troubles
– Better support of scheduled export from BIM360 for Revit 2019 and 2020 (direct model access instead of access through cache)

Point clouds

– Improved precision/quality for point clouds

All Revizto products

– Minor improvements and bug fixes
– Critical bug fix for version

Version: 4.8.49118

Date: 2019-04-04 13:34:21

Revizto app

– Critical bug fix for the Issue Tracker that prevents crashing
– Bug fix for “Forcibly enable double-sided materials” option

Version: 4.8.49021

Date: 2019-03-26 13:23:33

Revizto Installer

– Bug fix for “current user” installation of Revizto 4.8.10

Version: 4.8.49014

Date: 2019-03-25 12:25:02

Export Scheduler

– More dialogs supported for default pop-up suppression
– New option – extended suppression of model errors (beta). Try turning it on if you still get unsuppressed pop-ups.

Issue Tracker

– Search and filters in the issue feed
– Border added to callout tool (optional)

Revizto app

– Filter by date of the last cloud update in the sheets gallery

All Revizto products

– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.48318

Date: 2019-02-19 12:34:30

Navisworks plugin

Major bug in clash sync tool fixed: some clashes weren’t synced.

Revizto app

Major bug fixed: since the last update, working folder error could pop up for no reason. This also stopped the scheduler sometimes.

All Revizto products

– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.48227

Date: 2019-02-14 15:37:11

Issue Tracker

– 360 degree photo support in Issue Tracker attachments
– Ability to add markups to 2D stamps
– Sorting order is now saved into issue filter presets

Revizto app

– Import/Export project settings. Copy settings like project permissions, stamp templates, issue tags and other between projects in just a couple of clicks.

New measurement tools:
– Spot Coordinate: displays the coordinates and the elevation of a selected point.
– Spot Slope: displays the slope at a specific point on a face or an edge of a model element.

– Point cloud optimizations and improvements. New point cloud density settings in Edit -> Visual effects.
– IFC import improvements for Windows 10
– 2D measurements bug fix

All Revizto products

– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.47798

Date: 2019-01-24 16:53:26

Revizto app

– Critical bug fix – in some cases Revizto didn’t start without administrative privileges

All Revizto products

– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.47697

Date: 2019-01-17 15:35:50

Revizto app

– Critical bug fix for clash sync. Fixes the problem of incorrect clash positions. Clash re-sync needed after the installation of this version.

All Revizto products

– Multiple bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.47425

Date: 2018-12-20 16:05:23

Revizto app
– Procore integration. Procore integration allows converting Revizto issues to Procore coordination issues. The main goal is to speed up the process of creating RFI’s based on Revizto issues.
– Project settings for double-sided materials and occlusion culling. You can go to Edit -> Visual Settings and forcibly enable them for the project, then sync. After that, all project members will have those options turned on when they open this project.
– Export to IFC now in 2 formats: IFC 4 and IFC 2×3
– Improved sorting order settings in the Issue Tracker. Now you can add secondary sorting.
– New filter by privacy in the Issue Tracker
– Right-to-left text support is now disabled by default. It can be enabled in Preferences -> General.

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.46989

Date: 2018-11-21 15:54:16

Revizto app
– Important security bug fix for Revizto 4.8.4 – passwords were logged on the hard drive. You will receive an email about that.
– Critical bug fix for Revizto 4.8 – in some cases Revizto didn’t start without administrative privileges.
All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.46827

Date: 2018-11-12 14:07:26

Revizto app
– Point cloud support (export from Revit, Navisworks; direct .rcp and .rcs import as beta)
– New format for PDF export: PDF with issue pins
– BCF tab in preferences with some new display options for BCF-originated issues

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.43845

Date: 2018-10-11 15:34:11

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.8.43795

Date: 2018-10-04 15:44:04
Issue Tracker
– Creation of Issue Stamps in 3D

– BCF import/export improvement

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.8.43563

Date: 2018-09-13 14:04:28
Issue Tracker
– Continious stamp placement with Ctrl+click

IFC Import
– Critical bug fix

Export from Revit
– Critical bug fix

Version: 4.8.43476

Date: 2018-08-30 11:09:05

Issue Tracker
– Issue Stamps and Stamp Templates. This new feature will enable you to identify project issues with a single click and automate the reporting and management of those issues
– High resolution images in the Issue Tracker (up to 4k)

Revizto plugin for Navisworks
– Bi-directional clash status synchronization with Navisworks. You can now also set up a custom status mapping.

Revizto add-in for Revit
– Full support of rotated sheets

Revizto App
– Export to IFC from Revizto
– Toggle between grids and levels of sub-models
– OBJ Import improvements and bug fixes
– Hebrew support for text input

Revizto VR Viewer
– Ruler in VR

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42939

Date: 2018-07-12 14:56:45

Revizto plugin for Revit
– New algorithm for issue to 2D mapping based on sheet view range. Re-export of the model needed.

Revizto app
– .OBJ import (beta)

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42598

Date: 2018-06-07 15:27:56

Revizto app
– Support of special links that will allow opening target issues. These links will appear in email notifications and PDF reports soon.

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42533

Date: 2018-05-29 14:46:02

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42440

Date: 2018-05-16 13:57:18

Revizto plugins
– Critical bug fix for export from Navisworks

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42298

Date: 2018-04-24 12:18:34

Revizto plugins
– A couple of critical bugfixes for export from Revit, Navisworks and Tekla.

Revizto app
– Performance improvements
– Fix for issue filter presets ordering
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.7.42265

Date: 2018-04-19 13:34:41

Revizto app
– Displaying multiple issue markups on sheets. In this mode, you can see all markups related to selected sheet
– Ability to export any of your sheets to PDF with its markups, based on issue filtering and presents
– Ability to create custom filters presets in the Issue Tracker (for both reporting and filtering)
– Ability to update issues brought in from BCF. New workflow to allow Solibri clash detection integration through BCF
– Display of double-sided materials
– New optional access limitation for export to .exe / save as
– Performance improvements

Revizto plugins
– Integration with Tekla
– Support of Revit 2019
– Support of Navisworks 2019
– Support of AutoCAD 2019

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.6.41757

Date: 2018-03-01 16:02:35

Revizto app
– Critical bug fix for displaying issues’ 3D for models with phases

Version: 4.6.41736

Date: 2018-02-28 15:34:52

Revit Add-in
– Now issue switchback will always open Revit isometric view

Export Scheduler
– Sheet export optimizations for large projects to prevent possible crashes

Revizto app
– 3D performance optimizations

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.6.41454

Date: 2018-02-07 15:50:08

Export Scheduler
– critical bug fix for scheduled export of BIM 360 hosted projects

Revizto App
– PDF import bug fix
– stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.6.41421

Date: 2018-02-01 15:29:16

Navisworks plugin
– critical bug fix for export with sections

Revizto App
– Igloo support
– stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.6.41240

Date: 2018-01-17 15:33:28

– support of shared coordinates for ArchiCAD
– IFC import improvements

Revizto App
– clusterization of issue pins on sheets
– stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.6.41183

Date: 2017-12-22 15:58:13

Revizto App
– Important bug fix for model positioning

Version: 4.6.41137

Date: 2017-12-14 13:13:47

Important Compatibility Note!
Revizto 4.6 is not backward compatible with older Revizto versions. Projects synced using 4.6 can’t be opened in older versions of Revizto. Please make sure all your team members update to the latest version 4.6 simultaneously.

Revit Add-In
– Support of all Revit native coordinate systems during export. When working with Revit data you can now export to your Revizto project in all the native Revit coordinate systems: Shared Coordinates, Origin to Origin, Project Base Point to PBP. This option is selected during the export process, and allows the flexibility of exporting to desired project coordinates other than shared.

Issue Tracker
– Intelligent Issue Positioning. Issues created in Revizto will intelligently update their own positions during a coordinate shift or coordinate system change, allowing the user to change or alter coordinate values without having issues appear out of place.

Revizto App
– 2D Ruler. The Ruler can be accessed from the top tool bar in the 2D tab or Revizto. This tool will allow you to create measurements on 2D sheets and then will allow you to generate an issue using the dimensions as the basis for the markup.

All Revizto products
– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.5.40791

Date: 2017-11-10 11:22:54

All Revizto Products
– Critical bug fix for 4.5.40784 – issue tracker snapshot uploads could fail

Version: 4.5.40784

Date: 2017-11-09 15:09:18

All Revizto products
– Critical bug fix for previous version 4.5.40770: cloud uploads of new projects could fail

Version: 4.5.40770

Date: 2017-11-08 14:49:20

Issue Tracker
– Slight redesign of filter presets
– Added filters by status, watchers and priority
– Added filter by type (2D, Selected 2D, 3D, Clash)

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.5.40568

Date: 2017-10-17 14:09:17

Revit add-in
– Critical bug fix. Recently introduced parallel vector sheet export sometimes doesn’t work. Now it is an option which is turned off by default.
– Optimized sheet selection dialog

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.5.40423

Date: 2017-10-05 09:43:13

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.5.40405

Date: 2017-10-03 15:58:39

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.5.40355

Date: 2017-09-28 16:10:25

Issue Tracker
– Improved display of clash groups with ability to view sub-clashes
– Ability to edit and replace a snapshot of the issue
– Ability to change camera position and section cut for the issue
– Ability to relocate issue pin in 2D
– New field: Priority

Revizto app
– Redesigned viewpoints with folder structure, custom sorting and drag-and-drop capabilities
– Shared location projects available on iPad with the help of the new PC app – “Shared location iPad connector”
– Added bottom toolbar for 2D mode and the Issue Tracker

ArchiCAD plugin
– Improved export of object properties from ArchiCAD

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39988

Date: 2017-08-30 15:39:35

Revit add-in
– Changed the way of sheet identification. Now by default renaming the revit model will not lead to duplicated sheets. You can turn the old mode back on in sheet export settings (a new checkbox).

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39756

Date: 2017-07-27 11:52:52

Navisworks plugin
– Critical bug fix (instanced elements not showing up in Revizto after export)

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39700

Date: 2017-07-20 13:42:17

Issue Tracker
– Markup tool improvements

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39523

Date: 2017-07-04 12:44:02

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39515

Date: 2017-07-03 17:40:59

Issue Tracker
– Line markup tool
– Changes in markup tools: now lines, arrows and figures can be drawn continually.

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.4.39375

Date: 2017-06-20 18:05:22

Revit Add-in
– Ability to export phases

Revizto app
– Ability to color code links, categories and levels. New “Objects” dialog
– Visibility control of linked models and individual objects
– Phases tool to show phases exported from Revit
– Tag management system for the Issue Tracker
– Clickable links on sheets
– Ability to attach new file formats to issues. The complete list of supported formats: pdf, txt, csv, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, jpg, png
– Interface improvements. 3D tab: reconfigured toolbar
– Import PDF: ability to choose naming scheme (based on filename or page label)
– Better proxy support

Other tools
– Rhino support (direct plugin in Rhino)
– Console app for getting XLS reports from the Issue Tracker
– Brand new installer. Minor updates will come through as patches, containing only the differences and therefore being much less in size.

Revizto 4.4 introduces the new file format. Revizto 4.3 won’t be able to open any project that was synced with Revizto 4.4.

For those who already had 4.4 installed
This build contains fixes for the critical bugs with “Game crashed”, “Error: Forbidden”, failed export from navisworks and problems with misplaced scenes after re-export.

Version: 4.3.38911

Date: 2017-05-18 14:24:39

Export Scheduler
– Automatic warning suppression for scheduled export from Revit and Navisworks

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.38750

Date: 2017-05-03 13:16:16

Navisworks Add-in
– Fixed clash export for Navisworks 2016

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.38663

Date: 2017-04-20 14:41:11

Revizto plugins
– Support for Revit 2018, Navisworks 2018, AutoCAD 2018, Civil3D 2018
– Quick access toolbar icons

Navisworks Add-in
– Keeping the view settings on export and issue switchback
– Room export

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.38493

Date: 2017-04-06 11:52:48

Issue Tracker
– Improved positioning of issue pins for issues created on 2D

Revizto Export Scheduler
– Collaboration for Revit projects can now be exported with the scheduler

Navisworks Add-in
– Reworked Navisworks hierarchy

VR Viewer
– Oculus Touch controllers support

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.38315

Date: 2017-03-16 13:16:18

Issue Tracker
– Batch editing: ability to remove tags for multiple issues
– Filter by reporter
– Filter to show all issues (including closed)
– Show issue pins in 3D for issues created in 2D
– Export to excel format from the app
– Ability to manually position issue pin for issues created in 3D (during creation)
– Ability to view all related sheets for issues created on a sheet

– Jump from sheet to 3D
– Batch sheet tagging

Revit Add-in
– Color overrides fix

VR Viewer
– Camera height bug fix

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.38068

Date: 2017-03-03 10:33:51

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.3.37868

Date: 2017-02-03 09:03:37

– Whole new markup system
– Issue tracking for projects without 3D models
– Scheduler for recurring exports
– Improved merging
– Revizto Editor removed from the main workflow. Now export goes directly into the Viewer. Viewer has all project management capabilities.
– 2D PDF support
– 2D sheet version control
– Oculus 1.3 Support
– Touch screen support
– Viewer interface redesigned
– Much, much more…

Version: 4.3.37868

Date: 2017-02-03 09:03:35

Revizto add-in for Revit
– Critical bug fix for export of linked files

– Important bug fix for View public issues access right
– A couple of other minor fixes

Version: 4.3.37813

Date: 2017-01-31 10:31:41

– Extended project rights management system
– Improved location of issue pins for clashes
– Ability to create issues based on multiple selected objects
– Pen tool for markups
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.2.37510

Date: 2016-12-28 15:56:14

Revizto Add-in for Revit

– Accelerated sheet export from Revit
– Bug fix for A360 originated sheets saved locally


– Bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 4.2.37422

Date: 2016-12-19 07:02:13

– Sheet overlay onto 3D bug fix

Version: 4.2.37405

Date: 2016-12-15 11:47:56

– Export to exe bug fix
– Sheet export bug fixes and performance improvements
– Stability improvements and other bug fixes

Version: 4.2.37211

Date: 2016-11-30 08:31:33

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.2.36982

Date: 2016-11-10 12:48:12

Revit Add-in
– ArchVision RPC full support
– Export vector sheets from linked models in Revit

– Overlay PDF sheets onto 3D
– Clash visualisation – significantly improved

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.2.36879

Date: 2016-10-31 08:33:51

Navisworks plugin
– Major export performance improvement

– FBX import: better work with textures
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.2.36829

Date: 2016-10-25 11:12:44

– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.2.36697

Date: 2016-10-13 12:30:24

– Critical bug fix (export to Revizto)

Version: 4.2.36681

Date: 2016-10-12 12:54:22

Revit plugin
– Export of 2D sheets in Vector format (beta)

– Cloud transmittal optimization
– Support of displays with high pixel density
– Import DWF
– VR Support for the Issue Tracker
– Support of HTC Vive controllers
– Export for MacOS
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

– Ability to make surfaces double-sided

Version: 4.1.36523

Date: 2016-09-29 09:25:20

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.1.36395

Date: 2016-09-20 06:25:32

ArchiCAD plugin
– ArchiCAD 20 support

All Revizto products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.1.36298

Date: 2016-09-08 07:58:06

Export to Revizto
– Fixed the problems related to duplicate scenes

Issue Tracker
– Improved work with section planes and boxes across Revizto, Revit, Navisworks and AutoCAD

Revizto Viewer
– fix for 3DConnexion devices (prevents spinning)

Version: 4.1.36135

Date: 2016-08-17 06:55:18

All Revizto products
– Fixes for incorrect sectioning in Issue Tracker and Navisworks
– Stability improvements

Version: 4.1.36057

Date: 2016-08-04 08:38:12

Issue Tracker
– improved camera positioning for issues created in Revit and Viewer

Revizto Viewer
– VR fixes and improvements

All Revizto products
– Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version: 4.1.35975

Date: 2016-07-28 13:52:05

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Accelerated export from Navisworks. Again!
– Bug fix for some of the pipe fittings and air terminals not coming through after export

Issue Tracker
– improved camera positioning for some types of the issues

Revizto Viewer
– HTC Vive support. Native controllers not supported yet, xBox controller has to be used.

Version: 4.1.35908

Date: 2016-07-21 13:23:24

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Accelerated export from Navisworks

Revizto Viewer
– Restored double-click for object info
– Improved navigation for Microsoft Surface
– Added Escape shortcut for exit

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.1.35834

Date: 2016-07-14 13:15:24

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.1.35712

Date: 2016-07-07 10:55:58

Revizto Add-in for Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD
– Improved mixed export from Revit and Navisworks
– Ability to select the view for Export Scheduler
– Resolved the problem for models located far away from zero coordinate

Revizto Viewer
– Slightly reworked interface. Editor can now be launched from the Viewer’s Edit –> Materials and Lighting
– Ability to zoom on an issue screenshot
– Added Undo/Redo for markups
– Issue pins can be seen in 3D

– Silent/network installation options added

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.0.35508

Date: 2016-06-22 11:23:58

Export to Revizto
– bug fixes and improvements

Revizto Viewer
– Cloud upload fixes
– Some fixes for conversion of 3.7 projects to 4.0
– Increased tag character limit to 60

All Revizto components
– Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version: 4.0.35413

Date: 2016-06-09 10:45:58

Revizto Add-in for Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD
– Improved the sheet export from ArchiCad
– Fix the camera in Revit 2017

Revizto Viewer
– Much improved the navigation on Virtual Machines environment.

All Revizto Products
– Fix in the installer the VC redistributable (critical fix)
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.0.35367

Date: 2016-06-06 08:12:36

Revizto Viewer
– Alternative mouse tracking mode fixed to allow game navigation on VMs and remote desktops

Revizto Add-in for Revit
– Export to Revizto bug fixes

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Export to Revizto bug fixes

– Added support for quiet installation (with selective plugin installation as well)

All Revizto apps
– Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version: 4.0.35295

Date: 2016-05-31 06:19:59

– Export to .EXE critical bugfix (export to .EXE wasn’t available in the previous patch 4.0.35283)

Version: 4.0.35283

Date: 2016-05-30 12:24:59

Add-in for Navisworks
– Notably faster export to Revizto on large models

– Conversion of 3.7 projects: improvements and fixes
– Minor bug fixes

Version: 4.0.35227

Date: 2016-05-24 13:02:59

– Revizto 4.0 Official release

Version: 4.0.35042

Date: 2016-05-16 13:02:59

– Minor improvements and bug fixes

Version: 4.0.34946

Date: 2016-05-11 13:44:59

– Revizto 4.0 Release Candidate is here!

Version: 4.0.34764

Date: 2016-04-29 10:31:59

– Oculus runtime 1.3 support. Needs to be launched through a separate shortcut Revizto Oculus Viewer on desktop.
– Windows multi-touch navigation support for tablets. Needs to be launched through a separate shortcut in start menu Revizto Viewer Touch.
– Cloud communications progress bar improved.
– A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version: 4.0.34650

Date: 2016-04-25 10:31:59

– Cloud communications significantly improved. Feedback needed.
– A lot of minor improvements and bug fixes.

Version: 4.0.34543

Date: 2016-04-18 06:31:59

Plugin for Revit
– Assembly sheets export bug fix

– Minor bug fixes

Version: 4.0.34510

Date: 2016-04-14 09:31:59

– Open Beta

Version: 4.0.34372

Date: 2016-04-11 09:31:59

– A bunch of important bug fixes including cloud uploads

Version: 4.0.34357

Date: 2016-04-08 15:03:59

– Revizto 4.0 second alpha is here!

Version: 4.0.34188

Date: 2016-04-01 05:03:59

– Revizto 4.0 first alpha is here!

Version: 3.7.33546

Date: 2016-03-10 13:12:58

Revizto Editor and export plugins
– Bug fix for project merging

Version: 3.7.33211

Date: 2016-02-18 08:13:37

Issue Tracker for Navisworks
– Several bug fixes for clash import procedure

Version: 3.7.32439

Date: 2015-12-10 10:26:37

Revizto Viewer
– Bug fix: Tone Mapping fixed, now dark scenes won’t look so dark with Tone Mapping graphics setting turned on

Revizto Plugin for Sketchup
– Sketchup 2016 is now supported

Version: 3.7.32200

Date: 2015-11-12 13:31:49

Revizto Editor and Viewer
– Critical bug fix: fixes Access Denied problem which occurred on downloading from the cloud/uploading to the cloud for some of the users

Revizto Plugin for Revit
– Export sheets of linked files

Revizto Plugin for ArchiCAD
– Scale fix for projects with feet units

Version: 3.7.32010

Date: 2015-10-30 06:10:35

Revizto Editor
– Critical bug fix: models containing more than 1000 objects weren’t being uploaded to the cloud

Revizto Viewer
– Program window is now resizable

Version: 3.7.31964

Date: 2015-10-22 10:33:51

Revizto Editor and Viewer
– Support of different cloud repository locations (this update is required to work with new non-US cloud locations). Cloud repository preferences can be changed on the website in your license settings. Tablet support expected by October 29.

Revizto Viewer
– Support of Oculus runtime

Revizto plugin for AutoCad 2014
– Plugin installation bug fix

Revizto plugin for SketchUp
– Keeping lighting and material settings after re-export

Version: 3.7.31872

Date: 2015-10-15 11:03:10

Issue Tracker plugin for Revit
– Teleport to issue’s view fix for non-English Revit installations

Version: 3.7.31819

Date: 2015-10-09 09:35:35

Revizto Editor
– Export to .exe fix

Version: 3.7.31810

Date: 2015-10-08 12:10:42

Revizto Issue Tracker and Revizto Exporter
– Chinese localization fix

Version: 3.7.31808

Date: 2015-10-08 09:44:00

All Revizto Products
– Localization into 7 languages: Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese
– Minor bug fixes and stability improvements

Version: 3.6.31586

Date: 2015-09-17 13:07:01

Revizto Add-in for Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD
– Sheet merging. Sheets are now also appended when you append a project

Revizto Viewer
– New ruler mode: shortest distance between two objects

All Revizto Products
– Stability improvements and bug fixes

Version: 3.6.31540

Date: 2015-09-09 12:39:08

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Improved clash import and clash status synchronization
– Bug fix for export of projects located far from the origin

Issue Tracker for Editor, Revit, Navis, AutoCAD
– Ability to isolate clashes on the 3D view

Revizto Editor
– Improved FBX import

Revizto Viewer
– Performance improvements for Project gallery, Sheet gallery, Attachment gallery, Screenshot gallery and Videotrack gallery

Version: 3.5.31338

Date: 2015-08-13 07:36:19

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Improved clash import
– Excluding hidden geometry during the export to Revizto
– Isolating clashed objects in clash view

Revizto Add-in for Revit
– Open clash view in ortogonal projection

All Revizto components
– Improved performance and stability

Revizto Editor
– Improved error messages for project sharing when license limits are exceeded

Version: 3.5.31239

Date: 2015-08-04 18:51:58

Revizto Viewer
– Ability to add arrow and rectangular shapes during the issue creation
– Ability to switch off the scene during the clash view in the scene
– Sheets function moved to the main left menu
– Improved ruler function, added x,y,z delta values

Revizto Editor
– Bug fixes in merging functionality

Revizto Add-in for Navisworks
– Improved clash import
– IT exception bug fix

Version: 3.5.31094

Date: 2015-07-22 10:49:44

All Revizto programs and tools
– All Revizto programs and tools are now free! Cloud storage and collaboration will become paid on July 30th.

Revizto plugin for Navisworks
– You can now import clashes from Navisworks to Revizto Issue Tracker
– New tool to create clash tests from search sets in Navisworks

All Revizto Exporters
– The ability to append a model to the federated project on the export to Revizto stage
– The ability to update the model directly in the federated project on the export to Revizto stage

Issue Tracker
– Usability improvements for Issue Tracker in the Editor, Revit and Navisworks
– New filters for issues based on Navisworks clashes
– Multiple editing of issues

Revizto Editor
– new navigation mode: Navisworks walk

Revizto Viewer
– new navigation mode: Navisworks walk
– navigation tutorials for new users on startup

Version: 3.4.30532

Date: 2015-06-10 12:59:04
– Critical bug fix: SketchUp, Revit 2013 and AutoCad 2014 projects couldn’t be opened in the Viewer

Version: 3.4.30491

Date: 2015-06-09 08:37:34
– Bug fix: Skybox wasn’t saving in the Editor
– Bug fix: Sun position wasn’t correct in the Viewer
– Bug fix: Sheets weren’t working after Merging files in the Editor. Now if you do Merge in the Editor, the resulting file will have sheets from the base project only
– Some other minor fixes

Version: 3.4.30447

Date: 2015-06-04 13:42:28

Revizto Viewer
– Bug fix: attachment gallery now opens correctly

Revizto Editor
– Sync problem for projects with sheets fixed

Version: 3.4.30437

Date: 2015-06-04 09:22:01

Revizto Viewer
– Create issues from 2D sheets
– All issues created in 3D are also visible on 2D sheets
– You can find the position of each created issue on 2D sheet
– You can overlay any 2D sheet on top of your 3D model (combined 3D/Sheet view)
– In the project gallery you can see which projects have been updated recently
– You can see the grid on 2D map
– Links to local files are now supported
– The ability to accept invitation to a project from the Viewer

Revizto Editor
– Revision control system for cloud and shared location projects
– Sharing to multiple emails at the same time (using comma-separated list)
– Filtering by discipline in Objects dialog
– Batch deletion of object parameters
– Improved self-illuminated materials
– New updater dialog with changelog

Revizto plugins
– Plugin for Archicad (64-bit Windows only)

Issue Tracker
– Improved reporting chart (now it is an interactive filter of issues)

Version: 3.3.27760

Date: 2015-04-20 13:12:00

Version: 3.2.26885

Date: 2015-03-05 14:02:00

Version: 3.1.25767

Date: 2014-12-24 10:27:19

Version: 3.0.24241

Date: 2014-10-01 09:27:19

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